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Aw man, what a poor turtle. With thos dog.. err, turtle eys, you just can't help but sympathize with him, and then... lol. Short but sweet, and refresingly emotional. Nice work!


Well that was unexpected! I should probably have been more prepared from the title, but it was still a bizarre surprise. It's nice how the rest of the movie is in black and white, so that final scene is such a big contrast with the flowing red, the blood and grime and grittiness. Overally the animation is fluent in good ol Disney style, and the music fits the age-appearance. Nice work!


Comick responds:

Thanks a lot for the well written review! Glad you enjoyed the short and haha yeah Skitzo does sometimes take people by surprise! Hopefully you like more of whats to come....

It's just as sick and twisted as I remember it. :) Just a little something awesome! Tqisted idea, smooth animation and in the end... justice. Congrats on the ten year anniversary! I'll keep a lookout in 2023!


Looks like a new series I must follow. The combination of fantasy realism (eating a snout) works well, the animation is fluent ant detailed and the fact that the main character is a apparently depressed and not very lucky bear just adds to the action. There's plenty of action too. Even though I wish this was longer it was a great watch. Nice work!


Haha, another great one! First it's the movies, and now it's the fairy tails. This one is like a fairy tale of it's own though, or a fable, the three Bogaturs getting lured away, then getting back to business and then... a happy ending! Keep these going! :)


The effects are nice, but this is just so short! It feels like the perfect entry in a stick collab or something, but on it's own the entertainment really doesn't last long. Keep it going!


Oh man, this brings back memories! I can't actually remember watching any of these, but since 2007 was probably one of my most active years here I must have. This is like a gigantic collaborative effort, tons of different styles and ideas, and plenty of twisted and bizarre ones. Just think about all the ad-revenue these artists are missing out on though, seems everyone should be listed as a collaboratee. Would be awesome if something like this could make its way back on the frontpage too, btw. Great works!


Your English isn't bad at all, but that accent is a bit hard to understand at times. Nice iniative though making an animated introduction video. It's simple and easy to follow, even though it's rather bland and generically informative. Makes me think of those airline videos you watch with instructions on safety before take-off. Hope this isn't the only infomercial you'll be submitting though, would be fun to see more creative work apart from regular gaming videos, those are just... everywhere!! Keep it going. :)


Hamnisu responds:

Thank you for your feedback regarding my English - highly appreciated! I'm working on getting better; so hopefully it won't be as hard to understand me in the future :)
I really appreciate your input on the animation; I was actually aiming to get it somewhat similar to the take-off videos ^^

I've been working with Flash in almost 8 months now, and I'm having loads of fun. I will keep on working and try to post more animations soon. Thank you so much for your kind words, cd!

The only thing this is missing is a scene selection menu. Not that it's particularly long to watch, but I felt compelled to watch LightingLions part of the animation once more before I mentioned that as a definite favorite. This collab is just overflowing with creativity though, so many bizarre and grotesque motion or friendly entertainment all intertwined with music that fits in perfectly, even though it doesn't seem to be specifically synced to the animation. From what I've read it took some intense work to get it done too, so lots of props for the effort! And pretty much all animations included hold a high quality standard, great work!


Zeebra responds:

Wow thanks Cyberdevil for the great review. And we will definetly be incorporating a scene selector next time. Or should we abandon the interactive swf and move on to the easy to use Mp4...
Finding the right music was one of the hardest parts. And I thank metalbooster for all his recommendations from which I chose the "Forest Funk". Some would say it was bland and repetitive but I believe it provided the perfect foundation for everyone's animations to shine.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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