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Other than the title pretty much revealing the entire plot... it was an entertaining watch! :) Short but sweet. Do hope to see more!


A bunch of monkey-like peoples just monkeying around huh. :) It was fun to watch! Smooth animation and funky music; color to go with it. When you say hand drawn btw, do you mean actual hand-drawn drawings made digital? Or drawn digitally, by hand, with a tablet or similar? Either way it's nicely done, though if it's the traditional way: all the more impressive! Nice work.


LUCA-FATTORE responds:

Hi and thank you for the positive message.

By hand drawn I meant drawn digitally, by hand, with a Cintiq monitor.

Well that was masterful! Even if the entire first half was an intro (I assume one of those two aforementioned videos).

Really dig the VHS style filter, but even more so the oldskool anime nostalgia! Not just animation but the perfect sound to go with it. Animation looks smooth and authentic, with creative characters and styleful violence! Work of art.


Didn't really catch all them lyrics, but I like it! Smooth animation; plenty of attitude.


Well we've all been waiting for some kind of crash in the world, financial or other, so why not this! :D It'd be the lesser of evils! The Crash Army look a bit more like Raging Rabbids than the Crashes I'm used to, but all good fun. I like the style and effects, rain in particular. All presented with no need for words either! Impressive work.


The house is burning but... his be'd still OK? :P After-credit choice of scenery was a bit weird, but other than: entertaining stuff! Also wish the main voice was a bit higher, or other sounds a bit lower, the audio comes off a bit imbalanced. Keep it going!


Snackers responds:

yeah, i sort of rushed the credits scene. and for my next cartoon i'm considering using a program to mix the audio properly so i can do more complicated things and make it sound better. thanks for the criticism!

Really smooth animation work! :D It's a short but pompous piece in true communist spirit. Nicely done.


I could stare at this sun for HOURS! XD Such a warming bit of entertainment it'd be. Just imagine. Hottest show there is. It'd shine bright among the competitors! And though it might start cryptic and confusing I'm sure it'd shed light on the mysterious characters herein eventually! Nice sketch.


Well that was definatelyt the strongest moral-of-the-story animation I've seen a while! XD Love how it all turns so quickly, and he keeps crawling, and closer and closer... I was expecting some kind of more animation-typical twist, but it ended with a real message! NICE. And nice how you can both take it for the entertainment it is and for something more. Smooth animation; effectual sound; great work!


Not many spritemations where you get isometric angles! Nice variation between the different scenes and angles, and as for the story itself: entertaining! :D Voice acting goes well with the character too. Plenty of comedy. Did enjoy the episode, and looking forward to seeing more!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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