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Well that ended unexpectedly eerily! :O Was thinking that UFO seemed a bit small to carry that blue guy too... but never underestimate them alien forces! Also expected one of the other characters to appear and change the setting a bit, but guess it wouldn't have been the same if they did.

Love the spooky music and setting, really suitable for the season, and it all has a bit of a Scooby Doo-like tone to it. Mysterious; eerie. Great work.


Love is entertaining, too! XD Can't not feel sorry for the blue guy, but it was an entertaining trip. As always great effects, and great motions between the music too. It all shifts perfectly according to setting. Keep it going!


So this is how it all began. :) I feel like I might have watched this back in the day too... it's a great start, but it sure has evolved since this! Not just in terms of character relatability and such but the effects... woah, what a difference! Great to see so much change and progress between just two episodes, and seems like... there might be another one coming?! IN another five years or so. Looking forward to it.


Now this was on a whole new level! :D Incredible animation. Entertaining plot shots amidst the madness, and a Pokemon Matrix... somehow it all fits so perfectly together! The best possible character to progress each part of the plot device too, chosen with the care. Beware, all ye who enter here. It's a whole new world.


Well that was unexpected! Just kept getting more and more unexpected! First her gladly agreeing to jump from another building, then actually jumping, then them judges... brutal. XD NIce work fleshing out the idea though, totally new twist to the good Samaritan thing!


LOTAC responds:

Thanks CD. Much appreciated!

A very humbly horrible performance! :D Refreshingly horrorless and happy... in a hollow, honorable way. Interesting character deigns; entertaining sound!


Nice play on forbidden fruit. :) And I love the mood in this one! The flute-breaking incident in the beginning was pretty cruel, but after that I'm happy he goes about instrument evasion by just throwing them out of his way instead of breaking all, and all's well that ends well. XD Can't nothing live up to the magnificence of music! Nicely done.


Yay, you did make the sequel! :D Was thinking the Ouija board in the last one would be the main thing, but it seems like something sinister is a brewing in them shadows!! It feels like it's up at a point where you start to wonder if all this really was rel, but whether it's all segments of dreams or people pranking or unknown intruders in the house it's all pretty exciting at this point! Looking forward to the final part of the trilogy!


Looks like it's a craft that requires massive natural talent to master. XD That old lady had some serious skills too! Amazing.

Entertaining little sketch on the fidget spinner trend, and it's easy to relate to too, this trend that's sweeping over the world, such a pointless and yet... fascinating little addiction! Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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