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Well that was fun. :) I've watched a lot of these movies but never really taken the time to consider, or classify the paradoxes. Good thing other people did. Maybe even without time travel hmm. Good stuff. Simply infographics and crisp narration! Would like to see more like it.


RedOwlCS responds:

Thank you very much! Planning to do few more videos on the topic. :D

Gotta love those post-credit songs! Foamy's got some melodical skills there. Nice one.


The world's just full of people like that! Another entertaining one.


Well that was unexpectedly hilarious after all. XD These rants are going some place after all!


Can't complain about too little out-of-the-therapy-room footage with this one. XD Also seems this might be the first time we see the therapist fully animated! Show be evolving. So much wit and entertaining misunderstandings with that menu, and surprise twist for the end too. Reality seems to be distancing itself more and more from this, relatability out the window here but... I like what it's become. Good fun.


It's almost like a pilot! Preview? Teaser? Hope you make something more of this idea! It's got a lot of potential. Great animation, but it ends without really going all the way, IMO.


fernibbus responds:

This is an idea I’ve been sitting on for a couple years now, and I decided to finally kick in into gear this summer for a student film and animation competition! The deadline kinda snuck up on me (which is visible in the from some of the backgrounds and animation) so it’s not as developed as I’d like it to be story-wise. I’m currently working on a show bible and definitely want to make this a series!

Surprise twist but... not really. XD Savage, though! The animation's good but it all seems a bit... unnecessary. Was hoping for some kind of pun at the end, an intimate moment maybe, but it all just turned to violence instead. Not bad, but script could use some redemption I think!


Really digging the build-up here! The power. The small glimpses we get until everything's really ready; she's all fired up. The still images were fierce, the animation not entirely smooth but progressive, and the backgrounds full of detail too. Pretty awesome trailer!


You do wonder who's behind that voice and first-person perspective there... anonymous... interesting style, just like a game except for the voice acting (could that have been processed somehow to sound the same age of the game it was in? Great voicing otherwise), but comedy... hmm... strange kind of comedy! Good story otherwise. I like how it shifts, ever so slowly...


SpencerXavier responds:

thanks for the review. Yea i did think about processing the voice, maybe next time for another bit like this. The comedy of this was mainly inspired by how weird and uncomfortable a lot of PC98 games are.

Just like the good 'ol days of Marshmellow Madness. :) Sort of. Fun little uplifting loop, and I like the gradient shifts in the background! Nice detail.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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