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The music makes it all pretty intense! Even if the animation itself is mostly still images and a lot of zooming. When you move in on the ring it gets a bit too fuzzy, but other than that it works pretty well. Also have a hard time taking the character seriously when their eyes are so 'jumpy'. Nice recreation though, not bad.


Creative. XD If he never found the phone that rang it could have kept going in a loop forever and ever, alternate version potential... though considering you could clearly see the phones WERE ringing hmm, feels like a bit of a lose end in animation there. Otherwise all great!


Seems like it must be a world with a surplus of trees for it to be inhabited by these head-butting people. XD I love the idea, so original, and the way it goes down... great as well. It's easy to follow all the way, and plenty of bits of entertainment with each headbutt until she finally finds a way. The acorn was a nice detail too, as in: it falls down, but a new one grows in its place... seems like there's a lesson of life somewhere in there. Nice work, and glad you did finally upload this! The dust will never really settle here. :)


A random, but highly well-animated (and voiced, props WTFpodcast people) glimpse into the every day life of Spongebob! Was expecting him to lose it a bit more though, this was a pretty mild 'losing it'... anyway good stuff.


So that's how they replicate and re spawn for all eternity! The unknown, hidden in-game magic ways of reproduction. :P Guess they're using the right kind of protection in the game, huh!Nice twist. And yes, it is a correct advert for people. For anyone who knows Pacman at least. Newer generations... I wonder if they all do.


CHEAPTOONS responds:

The newer generation...they should know about PAC-MAN...they've got to know video game history some how !!!

This is just pure awesome. :) Such a mash-up too. The characters really don't all seem like they're in the same world as they were in within their own anime but... can't complain either way, it's well-voiced, well-animated, with empowering music in the background and action all the way through... all is great!


Well that is some... good-looking rain! No more no less...


AngshumanDhar responds:

Thank you so much!

Not sure I'd consider them dark but those are definitely some reflections! XD So creative. So random.Each one not in any way related to that which comes next, and thus impossible to predict. Each one's like a spark of inspiration like that. Just: new ideas. All the time. Love it.

Feel I need to try my hand at some of these too. What if the universe was a pellet gun and each planet just a bullet waiting to hit the wall. What if the water bottle was made of water and the water in the bottle made of plastic. What if the amount of snow which was falling would increase rapidly until it instead turned to jars of honey and poodle combs. This is going surprisingly well! Potential for sequels of... Dark Reflections.


Joemadethis responds:

Haha I'll keep those in mind if ever a sequel comes around! Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed!

It's like a mixture of Laputa - Castle in the Sky, Red Tails and Gorrilaz... was what I was thinking when the sky fell down, the music played and the character came into view... as it turns out it's a lot more than just that, though! Even though the simple eyes somehow distract me each time, somehow unfitting something as serious as this, there's no escapeing the wave of emotions, fleeting as the fleets meet in the sky. You really build up the atmosphere masterfully, and the special effects, creative design, hazy sunshine underlying... it builds up a world I'd love to see more of, though if this is all: it's a masterpiece.

Poetic, too. The music, voices... everything fits, and leaves you with a sense of melancholy and mystique. Impressive work.


Bamboo Shoots!

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