A pretty entertaining Oney Plays sketch animation! Nice work.
A pretty entertaining Oney Plays sketch animation! Nice work.
Foamy's back with the real rants! :D Haven't tuned in in a while so maybe I've been missing out a while, but this is how it should be. Strong opinions, and preferably on topics that really matter too... good stuff.
The music makes it all pretty intense! Even if the animation itself is mostly still images and a lot of zooming. When you move in on the ring it gets a bit too fuzzy, but other than that it works pretty well. Also have a hard time taking the character seriously when their eyes are so 'jumpy'. Nice recreation though, not bad.
Creative. XD If he never found the phone that rang it could have kept going in a loop forever and ever, alternate version potential... though considering you could clearly see the phones WERE ringing hmm, feels like a bit of a lose end in animation there. Otherwise all great!
Seems like it must be a world with a surplus of trees for it to be inhabited by these head-butting people. XD I love the idea, so original, and the way it goes down... great as well. It's easy to follow all the way, and plenty of bits of entertainment with each headbutt until she finally finds a way. The acorn was a nice detail too, as in: it falls down, but a new one grows in its place... seems like there's a lesson of life somewhere in there. Nice work, and glad you did finally upload this! The dust will never really settle here. :)
A random, but highly well-animated (and voiced, props WTFpodcast people) glimpse into the every day life of Spongebob! Was expecting him to lose it a bit more though, this was a pretty mild 'losing it'... anyway good stuff.
So that's how they replicate and re spawn for all eternity! The unknown, hidden in-game magic ways of reproduction. :P Guess they're using the right kind of protection in the game, huh!Nice twist. And yes, it is a correct advert for people. For anyone who knows Pacman at least. Newer generations... I wonder if they all do.
The newer generation...they should know about PAC-MAN...they've got to know video game history some how !!!
This is just pure awesome. :) Such a mash-up too. The characters really don't all seem like they're in the same world as they were in within their own anime but... can't complain either way, it's well-voiced, well-animated, with empowering music in the background and action all the way through... all is great!
Well that is some... good-looking rain! No more no less...
Thank you so much!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04