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So random. XD Yet consequential... interesting backstory to the animation too, and narrated in a way that does reflect that robotic tone. Smooth animation to go with, too! Entertaining work.


I guess this is related to some kind of game huh. XD What with the inexplicable zone movement and all... until the end it didn't require any prerequisite knowledge to enjoy though! Laws of physics universal and all, but the end hmm... strange ways. Good stuff till that point though.


Extendable legs, nice! :D Seems like the future! And arms like a T-Rex hmm, maybe the evolutionary cycle repeats itself after all... entertaining cartoon!


Cockadoodledee responds:

I cannot wait for the day where we can pull arms out from our armpits. YUM! Thank you, friend! :D

What a twist. XD Can always count on Sublo and Tangy to stir things up a bit... and it's always just as easy to get glued to the screen when you're watching these. Bit of a sad moment there in that one wake-up call and realization but... it gets back on the track of lightheartedness pretty soon again! An episode well done. Also that dance stance was awesome. Oldskool.


I could go for some seconds after these Sonic Seconds. :) All good fun! Short, sweet, comical and coincidentally also totally harmless. Even the credits were great, truthful music, sfx and everything! Nice work.


Can't tell if that final balloon catch was planned or not but... it ends with a positive message at least! I like the music, and the animation, and the Samurai Champloo-like vibe.. smooth, bright and melancholy at the same time. Nice work!


JogoCII responds:

Hmm. I intended it to be more of a surprise since I hinted something out of the blue at 0:14 that has balloons and pamphlets scrawled all over his home. Thanks again for your honest feedback!

And just w2hen it's about to start... it ends! Wish it was longer, but as an intro: well done. It's got just the right kind of outro too. Half intro, half outro...


The animation's a bit simple, with little detail, some pretty obvious motion tweens and not so much action, but not a bad show reel otherwise. Also seems a bit misleading you'd call this 2D, since even without the models the animation does take place in a '3D world'. 2D seems to imply it's limited to just the one plane.


MeelisMatt responds:

Thanks for commeting and opinions!

Looks like a new style this time. :) Sketchier, but good, and in a way a bit more authentic to the Pencilmation concept in that it's not all so smooth. The plot was good but... feels a bit limited in how we don't see what happens to anything outside of the main character's little batting box. NO camera movement at all. Feels like more characters/interactions could've been fun but... not bad.


Must say that tone of narration was impressively impressive! And the animation doesn't disappoint either. It feels more like a cartoon than a support video, but definitely one you want to support after you watch it. And I think I heard Newgrounds in there somewhere too hmm... props on that! Great stuff.


insanetoons responds:

I'm glad you like it and thanks for the kind words, much appreciated :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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