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You really shouldn't eat green potatoes, they really aren't good for you... I thought everyone knew that! XD What a twist too. Flawless build-up and voicing as well, the brooding builds, the suspense.. you know something's bound to happen soon! Great animation.


AntonM responds:

cheers cyberdevil, thanks for complimenting the voice acting, tryin to get better at it :)

Hmm, don't I've ever seen this particular fetish in animation before! Not bad. The animation detail jumps considerably on the inside, but the voice acting is really the best part. Background music easily becomes a part of it too, almost unnoticeable, but it definitely contributes to the 'atmosphere'. Interesting work.


That simple lunch turned out complicated so fast. XD That character style, narration, script... such a random working combination. You definitely have a unique style going there too. Much enjoyed.


Stanpai responds:

Thank you. I wanted to make a proper Steamed Hams parody and I found my way.

Somehow can't imagine it actually sounds anything like this in the real episode. XD So random, so simple, so entertaining... and that piano sprinkle in the background makes it all seem like some kind of psychadelic trip. Interesting!!


GLoosley responds:

This is a note-for-note-pitch-perfect recreation of the original english dub... I donno what youre talking about! :-P

Classic music. :) I like the style - it reminds me of the good ol' Marshmellow Madness days, and the animation overall's not bad at all! A few things to improve: the cracks in the wall don't seem all that realistic, maybe you could study images of those and find the 'pattern' a bit? The blood effects are gone, but some seem to appear almost at random, like the final one when he pushes the guy into the table - considering you don't really see the guy on the table 'move'. If the impact showed that'd look better I think, was actually wondering what happened at first. Did he shoot him? Did he stab him with a finger...? If you're going for more 'natural' action it also feels like the characters are moving around unnecessarily much without doing much damage, but in this particular case that just seems to add to the fun. Great start, and keep it going!


Looks like something's about to happen with that fire! XD I like how this evolved since the last one. Can't remember the trees shaking in the beginning - that was a great addition if it is one, and it moves on well after the 'intro'. Plenty of wit, well-scripted dialog, bummer about that little creature but... hey he's alive after all! :D Looking forward to the next episode.


Our ever-increasing rate of media consumption seems to have an effect on the ever-increasing rate of media as well. XD When it's this fast though... you just have to loop it a few times to really get the breadth of it. Well done. The combination of narrative style, animation, jazzy background music, the clouds drifting in the coffee.. it all fits somehow.


This series is starting to make violence seem so... fun! :D In the most morbid of ways! Great claymation as always, though the sound seems to ebb out at unexpected moments. Also, realized what these characters were reminding me of: Parasyte (Migi in particular)! Could it be there's some unintentional inspiration there? Nice backstory either way. :)


Double ending, nice. :) Feels like 'Conclusive' after the 'Madness' almost makes it seem like it's an official ending, of sorts, bit misleadingly epic title but... a good short. Random Battle Royale with that typical Madness vibe. Smooth animation; good fight!


Kenamy responds:

oh, yea, Conclusion wasn't supposed to mean about the madness series at all, but a simple "event" that lasted for around half a year, This video is a undirect reply of it and making fun of it.

I feel like I might have seen this before... the narration reminds of Keith Reynolds or Peter Peele (could be it's the combination of that as well as earlier teaser imagery that makes it feel familiar)... either way it was as well-presented as always, with that trademark tragedy within the comedy, the bizarre and overly violent... but all amounting to some form of cynical wisdom when it all amounts! Such is life. And this was an interesting style to animate it in, too, feel like it works great for the most part, but the motion-tween moment when the eyes open/close does feel a bit strange, as round eyes don't just squeeze together like so... maybe that'll be your new trademark though. ;) Good stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

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