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Gotta love parodies! :D This is just one big crazy mixtures of different characters and comical elements. Just Pikachu growing a pair of boobs would be comedy enough, but this flash takes the joke to unseen proportions. :D To be honest, I was expecting some more characters than mario, Pikachu & Batman. The title is like a claim that it should fit at least a few hundres, but... I shouldn't complain. The animation is smooth, the audio is perfect, the plot is just... hilariously random. This could be the start of a series. Keep it up!


lmao, crazy. Just crazy! The animation is fastpaced and wild, the graphics are bulging and big-eyed and wild, and the plot is just... crazy. :D Keep it going!


The plot reminds me of that Alanis Morisette song, you know, like 'an old man turned 98, won the lottery, and then died the next day'. Brilliant . As for the animation, it's beautiful, bright and dynamic, full of glow and lighting and just generally powerful special effects. It's an interesting style of animation too, and the focus on the main character, completely ignoring all the passerbys, is nice. Starts off simple and then it just... reaches for the stars. Great work!


Interesting transition from the black and white to the bright orange. Always nice seeing some traditional FPS animation, and it's not that bad either, good drawing though it feels some of it could have been better refined. Like the speech bubbles at the end. Keep it going!


lmao, sounds like you got the original voice actor to jump aboard, Vegeta sounds just like the original! :D The animation may not be much to speak about, but Vegeta does look like Vegeta, and the DBZ series was pretty crappily animated anyway so it's not that sup-par. The concept redeems animation quality tenfold though, it's just hilarious. Would've been enough with just the ketchup joke, but the final appearance really had me cracking up! Nice one!


Haha, one of the oldest puns from a new perspective. I love the cartoony style in the animation, and the contrast bween the characters err.. human and parraot. Simple and genius. Keep it up!


It's for the wrong console! ARGH! Well, otherwise you really managed to capture all the great aspects of the game in this trailer. I feel it moves a bit too fast at times though, maybe the aim to pack everything this game has in a mere 1:21m was just an impossible task. It's not hard to keep up with the content per say, but it feels a bit too speedy to really savor. Maybe that just reflects the action in the game though, as it is pretty fastpaced all the way through. Nice work!


Sweet. :) I was thinking it was a troll at the start, what with there just being some blue text and a banana (and no notice that the movie was actually loading, maybe you should add that?). utnred out pretty good though, nice way to combine a message and comedy with DK appearing to pop the balloons (symbolism much? :P). Nice work!


Time for an unexpectadly amazing stickamn fight. The angles and transitions between them are great, and the portal with some kind of dark energy seeping out of it, the blood effects, the entaglment, it all builds up for a reluctantly short but still amazing stick fight. The outline of the room is a nice edition, it sets the cage for the character, unlike the typical just blacked out background. Looking forward to more like this!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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