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This al started relatable, with that existential question we all consider sometimes, but moving onto entrance qualificiations and such... that was an unexpected twist. Different classes of people in these classes of people hmm. It's a bit like it is in real life huh. You get in, but you can't get rid of the preconditions for your getting there... wonder what revelations this might go for in the second part. May be some wise life advice there. Intriguing start...


The sun is fierce, and great, and its glasses are highly resistant not just to UV but to all kinds of rays! :D And he moves at an amazing pace, though as he leaves accidentally erases the planet's face. The speed at which he's paced it's like he's in a race, and I wonder where he's going with his limitless arrays of magnificence and grace, and rays in great a brace! Magnificent animation as always Chutney, and an entertaining spin-off on the typically-revolving-around-the-main-character story. Those ending credits too. XD

It's always a good day when there's sunshine.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

*sniff* so beautiful...

That blob can dance! :D Spooky style. And that sunglass poke had me laughing. Unexpected little things like that are definitely the best parts. Good fun.


A cat's life is a short but eventful one! XD And all the harm that little butterfly can do, too... I know a cat that actually survived a tumble around the washing machine though! Feels almost like this one cat's a bit too fragile for his own good hmm... entertaining and well-animated idea though! And it ends in a nice way after all.


Always sad to hear something's reaching an end, but I'm looking forward to see what collabs you might gather together for after this! It's an honorable ending too. Fast-paced, full of action, and with a pretty catchy (though maybe not so atmospheric) tune to go with it. I just realized a while in that it would've been nice with some form of background noise too, considering their fighting it out aboard a vehicle like that. It shouldn't be silent should it?

Action-wise this was awesome! Great work all, and so many parts too! Looking forward to whatever's next!


Though there seems to be more footage from games here than there is original work (and as such I'm not sure how suited it is for NG, what with potential fair use issues and all), it was an entertaining and fact-filled presentation too. Good info; presented in a good way too.


SchmidtTimes responds:

My content definitely treads the line between what fits on the platform, but folks seem to be enjoying my videos enough for me to want to keep providing them here. I make a point of not putting on videos that are dramatically more gameplay-focused, though! Haha

A subtle Sublo & Tangy Mustard homage here? :D When the first person popped up I wasn't expecting that, but with the girl... I wasn't expecting the twist. XD Moral of the story: don't eat with a mask on? Eat while you can, cause you never know when you might choke and die on your sub?

Also I wish I could eat that much and still be that sexy. Love this.


That old tale of the hare and the tortoise huh, with a surprise entry! XD Gosp is almost like Aspo hmm... not an intentional reference to the one fable originator though is it? Fun short, and a nice twist on the classic. Animation looks great, but I'm thinking a bit more sound would've been good.


DarkGosp responds:

Thanks for the comment! Yes, perhaps with more sounds, the short would bemore alive, thanks for the advice. Gosp it's because my surname ^^

Barako coffee hmm. Must try some time! :D I'm enjoying the old thirties vibe here, both in noise and animation and atmospheric noise too. You even managed the style, even if the giant girl somehow breaks the mold for what they'd show at that day and age. Too sensual? Too blue eyes? Angles? Clothing looking more seventies/eighties? Maybe it's a combination, but it looks good! Starts easily and ends conclusively. Really enjoying these jam entries of yours! And of all so far maybe this was the least abstract (good or bad). Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

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