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Heeey an encounter that actually seems out to work out for the best for him! :D I like where this is going... after all the constant downfalls you do grow pretty empathetic towards the dude. Great twist and wit and all as always, and maybe there might be a follow-up to this too...


The darker side of Comic Con revealed! Good fun, but not all as good fun as the normal one. That puke segment... hard to make that bit as satirically entertaining as the rest of it. Hope y'all get a sequel to this some day with a bit less of that, more talk and encounters, and an equal amount of party!


Suddenly what had previously been a fictional show now has a fictional reality behind this fictional show... unexpected move! And nice, since not only does the blooper aspect of it all seem to fit Glenda so perfectly (even the usual episodes are like a series of intentional bloopers - though they used to seem unintentional before this), but it also redeems her incredibly violent behavior in that: it's not real. It's just entertainment. Not that we ever thought it was real in the first place but still. Genius move.


So true. XD It wasn't like this in the beginning though! These days every marathon entails a skim... there's just no way around it. Too big of a gap between the anime and the manga for the pace to carry, but it's like an art form carrying on the suspense as long as they do too, and always ending with a cliff hanger! So I guess I'll keep watching...


A pretty impressive showcase! Varied, creative, quality work, all with suitable music, and a subtle fade whenever dialog comes into play. Nicely put together, though I feel it ends a bit abruptly when it's all said and done. Could have a bit flashier a presentation, or a showcase bit that ends with some sort of fade. Keep it going!


Stupid clay stuff's the best clay stuff! XD Brings me back to the the pinnacle of claymation days, the old Knox World shorts, though I wouldn't mind slower pace and less interludes, just a collective episode of random and stupid encounters in this entertaining world of clay... could definitely see some more of this stuff!


Gotta love these uplifting glimpses into the life of a post-adolescent art student! Turned from a wild and unequivocal orgy to a somber reflection on the importance of education, though... wasn't expecting that progression. What a clash. Wisdom and entertainment and all.


A pretty long sketch with this one! Not bad. Smooth animation to an entertaning selection of the show!


Gotta love that party scene! :D The intensity of their dance doesn't really match the calm music but... highly entertaining. It's a nice song, too! Uplifting watch. Seems a little early for Christmas though.


T rating? Really? XD Nothing like a little fine footage of animated male cats putting on a show hmm. So random.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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