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Looks more like you're half the size of the rifle than the other way around. :) Entertaining at always, and I'm kinda jelly! Wish there could've been at least some part of the family who'd condone that sort of thing back when I was little... but hey, it's never too late to get started with guns! Good stuff.


Never saw that hotdog LEGO piece before. XD Creative work on this! And not just a short, as it could've been, but the full story too. Great work on pretty much all aspects of it too, from the stopmotion itself to the voice acting, but most of all: the sound design! Impressive work with both background and effects. It all adds up.


The good 'old days of the DB tournament come again! :D Might be the most memorable part of the show that part... though it quickly took an unexpected turn with all the characters apart from the announcer. XD

The crowd doesn't look all that lively when the camera pans out birds eye - some kind of waves or motions among the ranks might be good there - but otherwise looking good! The combination of people outside the Dragon Ball realm + the official battle stage seems like a promising one. Looking forward to this!


OblitusCS responds:

Hey man!!! Good to hear from you again. Thanks for the advice, I´ll have it in mind and ad some movement to the crowd for the first battle. Be well my friend, see you next time!

Such a massive batch of madness! Appreciate all the details, like the entertaining background posters, and the blood splatter and effects seem to keep evolving... catchy music all the way through too. Nice work all!


Soo... it's a prelude? A preview? A pilot? A promise? A false hope? I'm not sure what this is but I wouldn't mind seeing more! Seems like an entertaining slice-of-life like show with refreshingly laid-back pace and some kind of wit to it too.


Well I was sort of expecting that but... such a valiant presentation. XD Voice acting perfection, and that awesome style, foreign lingo at all, it's just... it all flows together so flawlessly. Should be a bit more disturbed at the guy getting beat to a pulp I guess but this was great.


Presented in the finest possible way! XD Entertaining glimpse into a parallel cartoon world. What could have been but never was... spot-on voice acting with a lot of those characters too.


toonjunkiez responds:

Thank you cyberdevil. We are beyond grateful for the review and hope to keep producing good stuff.

And both voice, I suppose? Looks like a fun show, reminding me of the Secret Life of Pets movie a bit. Btw if you're looking for some alternate VAs there are plenty within the NG community - plenty willing to jump in for free. :) Nice work so far!


FunCartoons responds:

English version was recorded with 3 voices. One of our friends voiced Klaus (rooster).
We wish to involve more people. But this is a long project. There should be a few seasons.
We have scripts for the first 4 episodes. And the voices should be the same I suppose. So I'm not sure that people would like to voice our characters so long without any rewards.
However, I believe that in the future we will attract new members on our team and we will be able to pay them=)

You may be sure that "Pets On Their Own" is the different show and the one thing that can connect it with "Secret Life of Pets" it's a word "Pets" in a title =)

Thanks for your replay and support =)

For short attention spans surely this is just perfect! And works well with others, too. Entertaining bit of random. Looking forward to whatever you ADD next.


Bingleheimer responds:

ah Ha! I see what you did there. Clever. I appreciate the feedback and support :)

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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