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Fortunately I knew what ASMR was before watching. XD The combination of typically wild and incredibly loud beasts and the ambience and intimacy of an ASMR attack... genius. XD You need to make some sequels to this! Or spin-off's. Alternative ASMR apparitions for maximum fan response!

I can't help wish I DIDN'T know what ASMR was before I watched this though. Imagine that.


Them console-based puns. :) And random green vortex in the TV finale... the movement between random and witty is fast with this one! Not bad, though a more conclusive finale might've been even better. Good voicing too btw.


What a plot twist! First I thought it'd be that the guy becomes the jack in the box, then that maybe his name's Jack, and then... aha. XD Impeccable timing with that sound effect too!


I wish I had a basement like that. So much space! A demon army? A league of undead minions ready to do my bidding? Awesome work. :)


Such inspiring music, such elaborate silhouette landscapes and such an insane battle... all to fulfill that soda craving! The precious Popsi. The battle monologue , and rage that just builds and builds... they sure have some pretty tight security on those vending machines huh. XD Entertaining. And so much variation!!! Really an incredible amount of animation surrounding this one specific machine. It could've been a whole collab! It's longer than most of those too. So much. Could've been a series... props on an ununderstandable amount of work and inspirations involved here, and finally, victory. :) Nice work.


Another entertaining glimpse into the life of this interesting duo! It starts like a horror story but... never really gets that dark. Entertaining social media twists. Office cubicles. Communities. Online interactions... for an alien world it's a pretty relatable place.

Was hoping there'd be some kind of intro to these series btw, but seems like it either predates NG, or that there is no particular intro, but rather a backstory to give the characters context? Well that works too!

Looking forward to seeing what turn these two take next.


KelthorPower responds:

Thanks for the feedback! There actually isn't an origin story, but as we go along we'll get more backstory and character detail. I have some origins written out, but I've always had something of an aversion to the "origin story," but we'll see!

Otherplanetary food sounds pretty interesting. XD It starts easily, moves onto an unwanted enemy encounter and then... unexpected fatalities too. XD The style of animation makes for easy comedy, though that tension dissipates fast, even with the brooding music! A short but entertaining ep.


It's like a cyberpunk detective fiction story in a strange, alien world... what an imaginative; immersive realm. Interesting character too. You've got a unique style going for them as well.

The animation's smooth, and albeit not the most realistic it looks good, and goes well with the story and narrative. The apartment in particular has an eerie kind of alien ambience to it, and appreciate details in all the decor, and chaos. Usually there's not all this much stuff! Think I need to watch a few more of these episodes... great first impressions.


KelthorPower responds:

Thanks for noticing the amount of "stuff" in the apartment, ha ha. Always trying to make the scenes feel alive.

Gotta celebrate like that's the last celebration you'll get every day cause you never know if that's the last day and/or celebration you'll ever get amirite? ;)

Another appreciative episode! Great art, and narrative, and script, and slice of life tales and advice all at the same time. A lot of art too, compared to some surrounding episodes too. Feels like one of the better episodes in a while. Hopefully: the decision was the right one and everything was nice and dandy after that! Nice work as always.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




Joined on 1/17/04

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