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Woah, that's just mental. All the mmmmmh sounds when Mr. Smiley is cutting up the people almost makes the murder more necrophylia than just... well whatever that is. The combination of a happy face and murder is bizarre, but still, this is the kind of creative craziness NG is all about! :P Nice.


I haven't played the game, so I didn't expect to fully understand this one, but the introduction does a good job of explaining the little you need to know about the main characters. It's a pretty unique style in how the sceneries aren't actually animated byt rather transitioned, with text instead of voicing. It works well together with the music though, and I suppose voicing would've disrupted that beautiful melody. Overall it's a really bright and happy animation, and the sceneries in particular look great, i guess that's one pro of still backgrounds rather than animation. Keep it going!


Nice. I was kind of expecting that twist at the end, but it was still pretty eerie when Albert walked up and left. Nice work on the animation and creativg the atmosphere. Even though it all takes place in just one room, it's captivating the whole time. Still a lot of unanswered questions at the end, but it seems the most important one does get answered. Nice work!


Hahahaaa, this doesn't just combine two of the greatest and most parodied series ever, but also really delivers a solid dosage of laughter. Great animation, voice acting, and a surprisingly hilarious plot despite the randomness. Also, never noticed the similarities bhetween Jynx and Mr. Popo, interesting. Keep up the good work!


I have no idea what's being said, but the animation was awesome, smooth, sketchy and resilliant. One thing to add might be a Replay button at the end, but apart from that, it's just perfect. Keep it going!


Welll that was a bizarre fanmail episode, and only one fanmail? I wonder if it's a rel fanmail or a made up one, hmmm. More like hatemail, but anyway, it was a great episode, witty and intense. Shame we don't get a change of locale at the end though. Keep it going!


Never again? I certainly hope you reconsider, it was awesome! Not sure if I would have noticed a difference between 24fps and 30fps, but it looked great, fluent, varied, musical. It's not so long an animation, but well done, keep it going!


Man that nametag was foreboding, hah, what an awesome animation! Not only is the style pretty much movie-screen professional, but the plot is just genius. Theren's not a word said the entire time, but it still manages to convey the plot perfectly. Great build-up of atmosphere and expectation, great animation, great everything! Looking forward to more like this!


I was expecting someone to get eaten, but as it turns out, it was a good dog! Seems the bigger they get the kinder they are. :) Nice animation, short and sweeet. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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