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So... smooth!!! Wish there was more to tell here. A story. A joke. Something. But at the same time it does convey the emotion wonderfully, and the silence feels refreshing. A blank but beautiful canvas. A moment. A post-life glimpse... that's not all that bad. You really managed the Disney style too. Amazing work.


That animator really is a BRUTAL individual! XD Love the plot progression in this one though, not with constant involvement from the animator, nor with constant pranking of/between characters, but a really senseful and... more naturally entertaining progression somehow. The characters all show compassion too, along with that other more common variety of emotions. And it ended differently than I thought it would, which is another clear plus (as in both of them in the same bucket - the yellow guy just strolling by was expected after that)! Definitely my favorite piece of these so far; hope the series keeps going in this direction! Whenever possible. Nice work.


Though I have no idea what's going on for most of this it was a ton of fun to watch. The splatter and random shooting as much as the sexy ghosts and surprise live action ending. Combination of regular filming + super sound effects and real life/animation combination = awesome! Would be fun to see a whole animation thing made like that sometime. Thanks for the crazy entertainment and Happy Halloween!


He really went all out in that final down show! Crazy ending. Up until that point it was entertaining in a bizarre and brutal way, but do wish it ended differently... I was just waiting for him to get cracked up though. I mean: crack his shell. Actually that's pretty symbolic huh. Love the total mash-up of various characters and tales; all in a new world of modern, morbid noire. Nice work!


GABBODAVIN responds:

Thanks for the comment i appreciate it, made my day. im not totally happy with the ending either, this was my first attempt at writing a linear story, and it seemed like ending scenes were the hardest to come up with.

Well that was oddly entertaining! :D Combination of serious voice; so energetic characters was perfect, though the GoAnimate watermark in the middle of the screen... it's a pretty big distraction!


AnimationOverload responds:

I know the watermark is bad, but GoAnimate requires you to shell out $500 in order to get rid of it. I suggest you look at our second Patreon goal.

I wasn't expecting to see The One Sexual-Lobster acting outside his own animations! :D So strange... hearing that voice in such an unfamiliar setting... but well-fit, and this turned out to be an intriguing series too, tales from a different kind of world, with shady characters that seem to ease up on lip sync hassle. ;) Setting's both suspenseful and full of humor though, looking forward to the next ep!


projectanything responds:

Sexual-Lobster makes everything better.. In every aspect of life! Thanks for the great review! :)

It sure took a while before they got that ice cream!! Was starting to wonder if there was some kind of symbolism to their eternal voyage there, like seasonal filler, like the show has some kind of filler, this season, so it just keeps going, with the same thing, the whole season, like they just fill it with... filler. A filler season? Wasn't expecting the ending twist though! Good surprise, and despite very repetetive conversational script flow: surprisingly entertaining!! Animated and voiced in flawless Rick and Morty style too.


Well that was somewhat entertaining. XD Animation quality could use some more detail though! Also that SWF work in the title... plus an M rating? Bit contradictory no???


ChickenLeggy responds:

i tried to put a pg13 rating for the use of cussing lol
also thank you !

It's just one after the other! XD Sound effects make it seem so brutal, too. Nice fight, though bit strange how they're not all gathered at the beginning, but just keep killing off one after the other, until only the last one's left (usually it'd be the 'best one' left)..


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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