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It was all going so smoothly, certain less smooth moments albeit, until suddenly... no idea what happens at the end there. XD I'm really curious what this is an intro for now. Seems like it'll be something unexpected. I like the switch but then... suddenly over.


Rats finna call that number like crazy. Not bad, though in the end I wasn't sure it was a commercial for rats or against rats... by humans or by rats? Something a rat would order or a human order for rats? Feels like a deeper purpose could've been more purposefully placed here somehow, but it's good fun either way. Not bad.


SketchGarbage responds:

No one knows who is running ratt co. Is it human or rats or a hybrid mix of both? Or maybe the creator didn't think that far ahead! But yea thank you very much.

A good-looking and well-synced bit of animation here! I didn't notice the out of sync thing hmm, guess I'll let this loop a bit... looking forward to seeing the full thing too.


Very much like the style, and the music, and the theme itself... well this is dark humor at its darkest. There's just something about radiation, about how real a threat it is, how relevant it is in certain industries, and yet how little it's spoken about, as if it's a necessary evil within the modern world, as obvious as the air we breath... it's really not. Masterful work. Relentlessly cynical. Side-effect: sudden depression and/or insight, maybe. Good stuff.


Wellll that was random. A random a context within a dream as random as the one outside it... animation's good, but I just really feel like this could be leading somewhere. Like: there could be a point to this. Or a pun. Something. Great work with the production though.


Such an awesomely synced chips-consuming loop! I'm not catching the references as usual, but at least the title tells me where I can find them. Fun to watch regardless.


IlarProductions responds:

glad you enjoy it :D
it is a reference of the minigame call "Blue Bear" of Rhythm Heaven Megamix :3c

So true. Feels like maybe only the old gen really knows how to live without digitalism though, because they have already. They were here before there was nothing else. They know it's possible. Strange as it may seem I can understand how it might be a problem staying away from social media if that's all you've ever known. Just like some people actually like living in the city. It's crazy but... that's the world they know. Different are our circumstances and needs thereof. Good speech though.


That 'get to the chopper' line's certainly become a real classic. :) Nice work with that twist though, short but on point!


crummy-toons responds:

Thanks buddy guy! Glad you enjoyed it. More to come soon. What Mockvie should I do next?

Magic indeed! I was expecting just a short loop here, but this was so much more. All angles. All aesthetic. So smooth and viewtiful too. Love it.


The furries never stood a chance after all...

Not that I have anything against these fluffy fan-fictional creatures but I love the ominousity here, and the contrast, two powers that clash so much in battle. Such an unexpected twist at the beginning too. Great animation, VA and everything here.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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