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That horseshoe crab again. XD And that is one talented sculptor! Though this harmless cartoon fun hmm... starting to wear in some harm here.

That wavy effect... never seizes to fascinate! Seems those plants had quite a bit of a backstory too, and this'd explain why it's still there in subsequent episodes! Or not. XD Good ol' harmless cartoon fun.


Going by the characters it looked like a pretty obvious Spongebob parody when it all started, but as you go through... it stands pretty well on its own after all! Solid voicing and animating, with a pretty silly but fun story to follow. What I'm really liking here is that wavy effect though! It really enhances the notion that they're underwater, and I don't think I've seen anything much like it before. Overall: good fun.


Somewhere in... hey, a new place! :D Just that little bit with the intro's worth a mention, and everything after that was a blast to follow. The action's all overly energetic and jumpy, but unintentional or no it's a fun style, and I'd like to think it's a bit of a homage to the earliest days of the franchise, which were, unlike now: just good ol' fun. No darkness. No complications. Just foodstuff and fighting all the way through, with a surplus of weaponry and enemy variation that built up with time. Takes me back to origins this one! Nice work.

Well maybe there is a little darkness too... but great stuff nevertheless.


The strange and epic saga continues! Another great dose of creative Madness well done, and so many participants too! Impressive work all.


This guy could really use some weed!!! For medicinal use. Really. Good fun.


JunkYardAnimations responds:

hahahaha that he can!!

Somewhere in Nevada... ain't that how most of these episodes start! Apart from the one intro line it's intrinsically, and impressively, different though. The 3D. The high quality details. The vehicles and futuristic setting. The exchange. Floating Islands that remind me of Phobos... I love the setting as much as the story, and mindless Madness that follows. The flashing lights. The haze. The trails. The fear is there! Awesome work.


Madness on boats... it's a whole new world! :) Love the detail, and once the spiders start creeping... that's when the real Madness begins! I'm not scared of spiders but this was pretty intense! Well done taking this all to a whole new level.


Atmospheric music, some original characters and a lot of Madness! Not bad. The details in those cracking walls in particular: impressive. Even some bits of 3D. Creative angles. Short but nicely done!


thece responds:

thank u,but i dont think adding stuff on a grunt is original lol

Yes I do remember Chasm.fla! :) Always good with conclusivity, and though the style's changed up a bit this does pick up nicely where the earlier one left off. Plenty of madness, plenty of variation, and atmospheric setting a la Krinkels style too. The close-up style's the main thing that really shows it's not part of the official show, and motions could be smoother. Good show though! Pressure's high to make something good when it follows an official Krinkels storyline like this!


Prov22 responds:

Thanks much, Cyberdevil :D

Bamboo Shoots!

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