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Looks like they'll be at that for some time. XD The well-worded dialog, accent, high-speed chase in simple but well-animated 3D and silly situation of it all makes for pretty hilarious short. Good stuff.


TheBruvs responds:

Thank you - much appreciated. Pleased to get your feedback. In case you didn't know we have a load more stuff at our website TheBruvs.com .. more animations and links to new short sketch comedy podcasts with all the same characters. Please tell others about us.. any word-spreading is much appreciated. Thank you again for the comments. And the rating.

What a musical pleasure! Uplifting and disturbing at the same time, though so harmlessly animated you can't really be turned away. What a catchy tune, too! Nice work.


Well that was fun! :D Like a combination of stand-up comedy and eh... well, random bits of comical genius. I recognize some sound clips but not most of them, though no reference required, each one stands well on it's own. Solid animation, sound and all, and simple transitions between them. Hilarious.


Gotta play this game some time. :) As clueless as some players in it seem to be it'd probably not be that impossible to get into... entertaining sketch, and animation-wise: flawless! Voice acting too. You don't need a reference to be entertained either, player or no, good fun.


Demons playing a Ouija board hmm... was pretty much expecting the scare here to have something to do with humans. :D But not the final scene! Wasn't expecting that. You do hear horror stories about these so called investment bankers, but this... this was just... well done.


KloudKat responds:

Well, I'm certainly glad I managed to throw you for a loop there and give you a surprise! I'm glad you liked it!

I would've liked to hear a few more tales like these! Well done bringing light to another side of the story, and in such a matter-of-fact way too. Simple, uncompromising and not glorified at all, but uplifting nevertheless. The complexity of conflicts between countries, and soldiers, and people, all the most relevant within the World Wars... it doesn't get brought up enough. Movies all depict things in black and white, the armies synonymous with the ideals of their leaders, but it's little glimpses of individuality like this I'd really like to see more of! Great work with the build-up and story-telling too. Fantastic work.

And all this for the Jam, too! The basement had space for more than I expected.


The music! The animation! The relatability! The everything about this! Gotta love.


That eerie music, the static, the race, the cats all staring at the camera as they drive away, as they all turn, and fall, and the demons come crawling in... it ends a bit abruptly, without conclusion, but otherwise I loved the build-up! Goosebump inducing work.


olbengc responds:

Thank you for the feedback!

i have to use my time more wisely next time (i was under a length of time restriction) so it doesn't end so abruptly

What a punchline. XD The lip sync on the drawn face didn't work as well as the rest of it, but the timing and idea: impeccable! Gotta love the style too. Classy superhero action like they just don't do it anymore!


Fitzhugh96 responds:

Thanks man! IO just started learning so the animation isn't quite as polished as I wished

Well that was... an interesting breakfast experience! Do wonder if he could give them some breakfast.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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