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Another truly massive reanimation! :D And of a Scooby Doo ep no less! Brings me back, though it must've been a while because I barely remember the main guest character here at all... also this was surprisingly short hmm, elaborate a collab as it was I wasn't expecting the credits to take up more than a fourth of the total length. Great work all though! Some really creative bits in the mix too, and the credits were something else too. XD


Another solid entry for the basement jam! Really digging the excessive shading and line-work, you've got a good style going there, even if the characters otherwise don't really reflect the scare. Kinda strange contrast between the dark surroundings and the... not so creep other bits! Overall though nice work. Love that unsteady music too.


What an uplifting musical venture. :) Lots of mermaids, and magic, and rainbow colored rays playing through the pages... all in an assortment of different styles, and then there are scenes like that guy on the sofa with the samurai sword hmm... confusing! Some of the bits don't seem to follow the overall theme, but it all follows the music! So much talent packed into this journey in sound too. Awesome work.


Stickmen and bass guitars, why not! :D Creative awesomeness.


Venture Bros. hmm... seems like the earlier serial attempts of the Mario franchise finally revived, and maybe made into something better this time than in the old days! Though the original was entertaining in a whole different way. Nice intro with this, and all on a perfect loop too. The styles and splash images fade into and out over each other and make for a pretty creative and colorful intro short. Nice work!


Fastpaced DnB music and a shitton of creative carnage! Clone devices and all - this was pretty cool! Fast and ferocious all the way. Impressive work putting all of this together!


Guess it wasn't that personal after all, just a new setting for the carnage to take place in. :) Compared to the second one this felt like a bit more story, even with bits of text to explain location changes- even if it never was a particularly scriptive one - but the setting's impeccable. Atmospheric audio and realistic action, and tension too. With the second you didn't really know who to feel sympathy for, but with this one it's all clear.

Nice work with these! There's just something special about WW2, and with Madness: what an awesome combination. Hope to see more like this for more Madness Days of the future too! Also pretty nice work telling this story without dialog.


Well I guess I'd better go watch the first part after this. XD Can't seem to follow recommendations, but after an initial bit of confusion it's not so difficult to get into after all.

I appreciate the somewhat more detailed Madness style, and the sad music that plays as the bodies are laid to waste, what a shame, what a place... suddenly it's not as much a blast as it's sad. A story of loss and sacrifice, even though the premise is lost in the prequel... and then that impression fades and it makes way for regular Madness again. :) Not bad. Now to retrace the steps of this animation and see what this showdown was all about...


Madness re-imagined in a good way, and all with Paint Tool Sai no less! Short and abstract - more like a teaser than an actual animation - but the visuals are definitely a level above the usual! Would've been cool with somewhat of a script to go with it, but as it is it's a glimpse into a new form of Madness I wouldn't mind seeing more of! Nice work.


Well that was random! XD So short, so concise, so packed with action... brings me back to the Excel Saga/2x2=Shinobuden/Azumanga Daioh! days all again... classy work, all in good style!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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