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Ey bringing guests on here too! Appreciate the new backdrop and all, though these graphics... I don't think I'll ever really get used to 'em! XD With the final monologue, one of y'all falling asleep... almost started getting into the setting there though. Baby traits.

Good stuff as always.


EU really isn't synonymous with Europe though, it's an artificial constraint, made with maybe good intentions but lately imposing all sorts of intercontinental laws that everyone doesn't really agree with. I understand why some would want to leave it, and how difficult it is to do so seems to show what a dysfunctional union it really is. We're not living in1984 here. No supercontinents. Countries should have a semblance of control themselves, and be able to have ties with other countries without having to rely on a unifying monopoly that penalizes anyone who wants to do things their own way, especially when their own way isn't a bad way. The UK's really not North Korea. No need to shame a country for wishing to contribute to its own social order first and foremost, and all surrounding ones secondarily, which seems to be the popular way to go about it.

Anyway good talk. About topics: climate change would be a good one, if you hadn't already in one of the earliest shows... good stuff.


Holy guacamole. XD This was great, nonsensical but in such a well-orchestrated way... though the ending... how doth he survive the splatter but not the bullet? Is led his kryptonite? Projectile-based weaponry? It's a sad day within the world of heroes, but at least his memory lives on here...


Voices really bring this to the next level! :) Nice work PixieWillow too. Beautiful, sensual, easily loopable bondage material... very nice.


Aster-Effect responds:

loopable bondage material? ^^;
yeah, also thank you very much as always
and glad you enjoy it ;3

Shaq putting in some serious work over at BK, for one day... gives you a glimpse of a different kind of character. Smooth switches with the animation styles here, and fun work overall, though the volume: could definitely use a little raise.

Shame that contest never got where it was supposed to...


Seems like he did get his wish granted after all. :) That's a mighty kind wizard.


We didn't get to see that booty though, it's truly moody yo... hope for additional follow-up.


That car dealership made for some interesting stories though. :) Ah those early Pokemon days... good memories. I remember trading a Zapdos for my first ever portable console, a glorious gray GB... might've been a holo too. Definitely worth it.


I'm not sure about the epic part but I agree fully with the animation bit! Not bad Garfrield. This seems to somehow abstractedly surmise the very essence of his being.


Somewhat reminds me of the Joe Rogan Experience I've been hooked on the last half year or so. :) Thought you might really go in depth on how this all works, but it's a glimpse... of the truth. The formula. Not bad.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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