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I was thinking the intro sequence was taking way too long (over a third of the animation length), but as it turns out... the intro was the animation! It looked great, but I'm kinda disappointed that's all it turned out to be, after that it's just gameplay footage. Love the music, very effectual and atmospheric... and I guess this is an effectual promo too, but it feels a bit incomplete. Keep it going!


Silly indeed! I'm wondering if there's some form of symbolism in this or if it's all as random as it seems, a loaf amongst the books, an... intelectual soap opera? :L Funky tune!


lmao, totally unexpected ending... the rampat fireballing was awesome too. Love how creepy Mario seems in these animations, keep up the good work!


Haha, another entertaining rant! Gotta love that hulk smash at the end, and the daydreaming... though I can't relate much to being picked last, you see in my days of gym class I used to... just skip gym class. :P Great to hear a NG shout out at the end, I'm wondering if that's custom for this site? Keep up the good work!


itsalexclark responds:

of course it's custom!! there aren't any other new grounds websites :) - and the hulk smash was my favorite part too.

So is this series going to be going every day, all month? I can't recall prior episodes, but I like the idea! The plotted puns didn't make much sense to me, but it was a randomly entertaining watch. Congrats on daily feature!


Awesome story, awesome animation. Feels like Janine Carbone could get some more credit than a mention in the comments for all her work though, like being listed as co-author and getting split revenue? Least that's the impression I get reading this, maybe you've worked it out. As for the work itself, the illustration is swift and atmospheric. The running motion takes me back to old Brackenwood cartoons, and in a way the fable itself seems like it was inspired by those worlds... or maybe all fables take place in worlds like this.

The voice acting is great, just the one character and the crow, but effectual voices/sounds for both of them (and I like how the crow is heard through only one speaker). I like the fact that the 'main' character doesn't say anything either, it makes it easier to live into the story and relate to what's going on, and the introductory story closing and coming back at the end, making it more about moral but rather about helping each other... great all the way. Looking forward to more like this!


OdellAtkinson responds:

This video isn't going to make a cent as far as revenue. It simply won't get the views for make any money. And she's not a member of Newgrounds either so there's no way to credit her, proper on here.

BUT I will pass the praises onto her just the same. Thanks for watching! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Haha, seems like he's on a rather limited diet. :D I really wasn't expecting one of the more famous video game characters to pop up at the end, glad you kept it a surprise. Keep it going!


I've actually never been to a barbershop, or a saloon, always had my hair cut at home and lately cut my own hair, but this makes me want to try it out some time! :D Awesome tale, as always. Keep it going!


Haha, haven't played this game (it is a game... right?) but this was a real randomly entertaining chain of events. At the end I'm wondering if you were running out of patience with the animating or if the style gets intentionally crappier? Either way, twas great all the way, great to see you're still going!


RogerregoRRoger responds:

The story it's based on is really just a collection of interesting concepts that go nowhere, so I played with that.

The art style change is on purpose, I hate how the build up to the climax is prety intense and good, and then it just goes nowhere and ends flat on it's face.

At first, it felt like the action took a bit too long to jump in, but once it has started it's apparent the anticipation until then has been pretty effectual. It's intense after all, all the way, with great voice acting, great sound effects; creative animation. Plotwise it's a bit like a stick-figure version of the Doom movie. Looking forward to the next part!


Bamboo Shoots!

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