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Haha, awesome, and that track was just perfect... not the type of genre you usually hear for sprite animations. :) Not much plot, but a fun turn of events, classic. Keep it going!


ToonCastleTV responds:

thanks dude, i definitly will!

A common myth revealed. :D Thanks for this awesomely grotesque and entertaining animation depicting it! Keep it going.


Really nice sprite work! It's fast, it's varied, effectful, and with plenty of voice acting to go with it... even the music seems to play a part in the story. I wonder how much of that is custom and how much, if any, was actually made for this? Keep it going!


Well at least the salads were ok, lmao. Entertaining conversation as always, keep it going!


This was more emotional than I thought it would be, despite the a bit silly scrap hat the fox used, despite the fact that apart from the shed tear when the bigger portion of the family died, there wasn't much emotion displayed for the rest of the hunt. It was more vengeance than drama, but when the hunt is finally over and she lies down to rest, I can't help get a bit teary eyed. Don't think a more well-worked visual style would've been anything but an improvement, but even with this rather simple style it's a beautiful piece. Sad, but... peaceful, when it's all said and done.

One small glitch, if you could call it that, are the white line that at times appears at top or bottom of the animation, maybe the canvas showing through, or something else? Just a minor detail though, hoping for more content like this in the future!


Haha, this was great! Makes me feel like challenging myself as well. At the end there I thought some ligaments were going to get torned or something, but whaddayaknow, a happy ending! The voice acting is great, and the sketchy style goes perfectly with it. Nice work!


So the secret's finally revealed. :P Genius! No need for voice or dialog, everything's visually explained. Nice work!


MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks CD :)

This was a looong video to broadcast a message, a truthful, honest and heartfelt message, but in the end it also seems like a rather pointless message. The people this may be reaching out to probably wont be the ones to tango, the people who are willing to respond with an open mind probably don't need this message to do so. As I'm not involved in this debate or exchange of opinions, I feel a bit distanced from this message, I feel like it's somewhat irrelevant. But at the same time it'd be inspiring if I really listened to it, a message conveyed with help of both real footage and animation, about all aspects of discussion and the human psyche. Not as concise as it could be, but a good video. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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