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It's another masterful mash of Madness! :D Nicely done.


Are you sure you were allowed to make this video about the country where nothing was allowed? :O Nice one.


wetwhisky responds:

No, I wasn't.. they didn't beat me up but they fired me... Thanks for asking and the nice vote..

And however that Chasm appeared, and whatever will happen to the creatures therein after this... sure would like to know! Another good short. New ideas and perspectives. Mysteries. Monsters. The Myths of the Madness realm... nicely done!


Prov22 responds:

Thaanks, CD, I'm glad you enjoyed my work :D

Keep digging? As in in his grave? As in something totally out of the context of the previous dual? Not sure where it went with that ending, but before that: comedy gold! Feels like it could've gone a more conclusive route of well-directed wit instead of the totally irrelevant and random, though. First part: perfect!


Not the ending I was expecting. XD I guess he found his eh... soul mate, sort of? Was hoping for a solution that might satisfy all parties, and clear the air so to speak! Nice twist though, just a shame that old lady had to depart from this series for nothing more than an odor oddity... good stuff.


Saw a stick figure title, thought it'd be simple and short... but woah, this was so much more than I was expecting! A fun adventure, sometimes slow, sometimes intense, all the while with wit and red thread... in some scenes the black text is kinda hard to see, though. Like the infiltration one.

Also: the main character with pants. Any Fancy Pants inspiration maybe...? Good stuff.


HappyCorpGames responds:

I love reading comments like these, I really appreciate them!

This was the first animation that I actually wrote down and planned out on paper before I started the animation process. And I'm happy with how the story turned out.
I knew that some text was hard to see, that's why the colors kept changing. I try to give each character their own text color, butt I couldn't do that here with all the dark colors I was using.

And the pants, it probably was inspired xD I really don't remember. He had pants for such a long time, idk what gave me the idea. I do know that I wanted to make a way for people to be able to tell the two main characters apart.

Pretty entertaining Game Grumps sketch! Stars as soon as the logo shows and keeps going... well, just a little over half the duration of the file! Short but entertaining.


DavidToonsYT responds:

Thank you! Yes I do agree I should of maybe started the animation sooner and the outro shorter. Will try my best to succeed next time! Thank you for your honesty! :)


What a wild adventure! :D Entertaining little sketch when it's all over too.


Just another day in the life huh. :) Charming and strange, and the prospect of still checking emails and living like normal even after death... it's an alluring charm! Random and fun, all with smooth animation and wonky voicing. Good stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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