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So beautiful and smooth, both the voicing and the animation. Like a scene straight out of a classic Disney movie.


Another dark take on all the more relevant topic with this one... how you make these seem both so beautiful and so tragic. Work of art.


I can dig this. :) Gotta get out of this system somehow... free ourselves. Zombies to technology that we are. Though, without those HDs, how to make animations like these hmm. Good stuff.


poppetje3D responds:

Glad you liked it my dude! Me and the musicians got together in a coffee store and just started brainstorming. I myself am just an animator but i got to talk to them and got their idea immediately. It was a super nice experience.

Breaking the fourth wall with this one. :) Have no idea as to the context behind it (I guess clicking those links might me that) but it's just thoroughly entertaining to watch something with such a contrast between the real world and... that other one. Awesome put together.


The background feels a bit overly open, especially when they zoom in - it becomes a backdrop more than a background, but the action's solid! Creative costumes and weaponry too. Whole new level.


thece responds:

will try harder in making outside BG,also that hat boi is kenamy sprites so yea,im just using it lol
thanks for the review

Super short but super awesome too! Kinda not catching the 'forest' before the people, but that's the song part, anyway. This: awesome.


Can't relate to that campaign donation bit at all (is that actually a thing over there?!) but the rest of it: solid. XD First bits had me pretty entertained, but towards the end hmm... feel you could've brought in a stronger punchline somehow. More things going wrong? Just a plain 'no', without explanation (doesn't seem to be in a printer's nature to come with that particular remark - something totally oblivious would feel more in line IMO)? Got a bit stuck on that part, but you had perfection going before it! Super relatable too.


Thought this'd be about the Police Academy Hightower dude... super outdated references huh. Don't get the new ones but: solid. Solid animation. Fast pace. Random entertainment factor: definitely there.


Awesome. :) Just need a bit more sound! I mean: sound. It needs it.

Congrats on the 30K!


Oh man. XD Some people really shouldn't be out there hunting...

Personally I appreciate the lack of clues in the beginning here, and a bullet can travel a looong distance, so it doesn't seem like a loose end that nothing but the duck's shown at the start. He just misses the duck. Anything can happen then. If it'd be more fun if he intentionally shot the kid though hmm... that just feels morbid IMO. Maybe just some kind of response, to make it clear that he was intending to hit the duck? I feel it'd lose some of the comedy factor if that wasn't actually the intention. But who knows.

I feel for the duck here. That expression's gold. And the end twist: all the greater when you just didn't see it coming! Really had a laugh out of this, dark humor though it may be. Good stuff.


saraphporter responds:


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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