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Hehe, I've never played this game, but it's still easy to get into its world of dark humor. The 'hours passed' cutscenes are such a simple way to add to the comedy, and between those comedy auditioning spots... there's plenty of fun. All dem bossfights, dem abdomens; that guard who stares at the sun... great work! It was fun watching all the way.


Hahaha, that ending! I really thought it'd be more than a expressionally verbal finale, but.... it's still hilarious. XD I love how all these anime stereotypes are gathered together, acting as randomly as they do in any random anime, it's a fast-paced and entertaining convo, with great voice acting, and very anime-styled animation (hoping/looking forward to more of that!). I think I spot the counterparts for Kon, Rukia, Ichigo, some person from Sailor Moon or Guradian Hearts (haven't really watched those, Vegeta (?)... am I missing some prime inspirations? Keep up the great work!


Oh what a cozy kitchen, lmao. :) Nice detail in the sceneries on this one, and I'm glad to see the shifting sceneries too, a bit of a difference from the regular. Feels like more effort than usual went in to this, so... it's getting better and better! Nice work with the religious theme too, putting an end to all arguments in a bite. Looking forward to the next one!


Oh man, the characters in this are somehow incredibly lifelike. In their facial expressions, and in their movement... it's pretty amazing. There's plenty of still moments, and the transitions are rather random, but overall it's an otherworldly venture. Intriguing and well-animated. The credit and intro text though, could've looked better! It's an easy to read font, but still somehow a bit plain, and the colors don't really fit in.


Hmm... maybe use a Play button that actually says Play? :P Apart from that, this was full of fun stuff. Unnaturally detailed scenery for a clock flash, and a plot filled with suspense. O_o Nice work!


RadioTubeClock responds:

It ought to say 'play' when you put your cursor over it unless something isn't working right for you. Thanks for the review!

As The English speaker I am, I obviously thought this was going to be about pie.. as in the food, the delicious edible. It turns out it was something completely different, but perhaps it as for the better. This is full of gritty post-apocalyptic animation that builds up well with the music, or maybe it's the other way around. At the same time it adds a kind of distance to the carnage, no sound effects, no perceptible destruction even though you see all that's going down. Great detail, all those losses... and then at the end the tide finally turns, a final effort but still... not enough. It's sad, but inspiring; very nicely done.


Hmm, maybe I should've watched the original speech before this one. Without any insight in the situation it's hard to know what's supposed to be comedy and what's supposed to be fact, if this is supposed to be inspiring or just a gest of jest on how he's handled the situation... animation/voice acting was good though, but the political plot was just too foreign for me. Keep it up!


Haha, what a random call! :) Strange things happen in the night time. I like the sketchy, oddly realistic/characteristic animation style that really brings out the random in this animation, good voice acting; great ideas!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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