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It looks like Madness submissions are streaming in late this year! Better late than never though. :P From the start I knew it was going to be great, from the bloodsplatter to the severed head, and also because I read a news post about it... it was bloody; gross; ingeniously inspiring. Plenty of variation in this, fast-paced action and lots o Madness. Nice work!


juanford66 responds:


I don't see what's not great about this. The voices sound just like the real characters, so real in fact that I was wondering if it was just a re-animated episode, but maybe the different voices are bits and pieces coupled together to make a logic series of events? Err... a bit more random series of events? Either that or the voice acting is amazing. It was a fun watch, just as randomly creative as regular episodes. Nice intro too. Keep it going!


Oh man that's uh... pretty twisted! Love the way the voice acts are mixed in from different sources though, combined with sprites, some catchy music... completely random entertainment. I was wondering what the last one had to do with anything but eh... oh, there she is! Poppin outta the coffin. :P Keep up the great work!


There's a... Luis Day?! Well at least there was huh, those were the days! This was just hilarious, mostly because that's just such an unlikely situation. Good animation; great fun. The twirling around is... lmao, don't know what to say about it, it just cracks me up. Wonder if Luis watched this. :P


Ah, so that's what Pikmin are all about! I do appreciate the info screen (which btw also saved me from having to wait on the movie to load, great distraction... not that this takes any considerable amount of time to load). I like the colorful style of animation, and those Pikmin are dam cute too... the walking animation was a bit hacky, but apart from that... no complaints. It's a feelgood short, with some classy classic comedy acts, ideas; childish creativity. Harmless humor's nice for a change. Nice work!


Stick action at it's finest. It's a fastpaced feast of blood and carnage. I like the way it's all synced with the music too. The different scenes starting when the music shifts, somehow always following the overall flow of the sound. Pretty good detail on the weapons too! I was expecting it to end when the army appeared, but it turns out it actually received a rather complete ending. Still, if there ever is a sequel I'm looking forward to it. Keep it going!


Well that was.. random. The way the stars keep expanding and then get sucked in, it's like the universe is imploding. The Earth in a box... same idea? The photo/animation combinations are interesting to see, and the FBF animation's smooth and creative, but it's really moving too fast for me. Not enough time to fully appreciate all the different parts. I do appreciate the eternal loop though, easy way to rewatch it. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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