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Aw, to be continued?! Just when it was about to get intense! Love the happy expression on his face while he's running rampant. The animation's fast-paced and varied, and there's always something to look at... even during the credits. Actually, the credits are probably half as long as the actual animation... good stuff!


Haha, a classic episode! I need to go back and browse through the olden goldies in this series. The screen resolution is a bit low, but as for the quality, it's all great. Voice acting couldn't be better, and the characters/backgrounds are all as smooth as only Weebl characters can be. Plenty of variation, plenty of random occurrences; plenty of entertainment. Keep up the great work!


Haha, this was hilarious. I thought this would turn into some Anni Get Your Gun parody, but it turned out a bit different. Simple fun, good sprite-mation, and some neat transactions/angles (like running over the text, and viewing the ground from high up, that was a bit different than the normal 2D side-view! Nice work. The regular graphics work well in the sprite milieu too. keep at it!


This was pretty cool, smooth and varied FBF animation, plenty of action (even subtitles for the sounds... that's new!) and carnage in best Livecorpse style. Wonder if you've been inspired by him or vice versa? It ended a bit quick... but up until that disappointing moment when the screen turned black.. it was great. Keep it up!


Haha, awesome. Each lesson's a fight for your life, each bad grade a metaphorical blow to your character. I love the way it's all presented in best all-out-action fighting style. Keep up the great work!


CartoonCoffee responds:

Yes! You totally got what I was going for. Thanks for the review, you can definitely expect more stuff coming from me.

Getting high on drugs in one cubicle, getting high on FB in the other. This would be fun if it wasn't so sadly true, the world really is like this. Everywhere you go people are just glaring at blaring screens, not really aware of the sceneries around them, no longer interacting like normal people. It's a generation that's become social from a distance. Great idea; a great way to introduce it. Keep it going!


Haha, ackward. I was astarting to think the drummer was involved too... but nah. Nice twist!


42 NSA agents know this isn't a YouTube description. :P Great idea, great animation; and a menacing finale. This could be the idea for a full series, or a feature movie, the menace of the killer phones. O_o Or something like that. Nice work!


ADASport responds:

Thank you! We're are currently in talks with a production company to turn this into a 100-part miniseries.

Looks like everybody'll get a reason to get a pair of Google Glasses after this. :D Brutally comical animation; a great idea! Crotch heads huh, that's somewhat... disturbing. :P Keep it going!


Haha, ranting with the Muppets this time. Great rant as always, and it's nice with a guest character appearance in this one too. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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