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Oh man, breakfasts aren't ever going to be the same after this. O_O They all accept their wretched fates so peacefully too, or hopelessly, passively, with an acceptable for death both admirable and uncomfortable, and strange, and realistic (considering food doesn't move)... and all of this from a pretty impressive first-person perspective too. The sound effects really suck you in. Not bad.


Eotix responds:

Thanks! Doing the audio was a lot of fun since there is very limited animation.

That girl sure knows how to jump. XD And all that in a towel no less! Impressive skill!

Music kicks in at just the right time there, and I like the style, 3D, unlike 3D I've seen before... curious what program might've been used in the conception of this here material? Good stuff. Old (so you say!) but gold.


eeeeeJack responds:

I'm glad you like it!
I use blender for making this, and this was made for a small contest, I got the third place though.

Sure has been a while since the last of these... glad you found a new one. :) Always as entertaining to read the history behind these discoveries too! That bear sure lucked out there, would've thought Skitzo would go Skitzo right away, but apparently he's got humor too. :P Good stuff.


Comick responds:

Yeah I wish I wasn't so damn slow on these lol. But whats kinda cool is the cartoon has been ongoing for 10 years with 10 "discovered scraps" to date! So at least the Skitzo lore has SOME consistency in its method of madness :b

Seems like more than a second. :) Really like the style here, and vibe, color, creative touch... just overall a really satisfying/intriguing thing to watch. Like a jumpstart for the mind.


mraw responds:

thankyou man!

I think your 'skill' is at a pretty impressive level already, considering you consider yourself a beginner! The movement, timing and sound here is all top notch... and a splat-on ending that just perfectly sums it up... somehow. :D If there's anything to improve, I'm thinking maybe the eye trails look a bit too long, and maybe better to color the entire eyes rather than have a line flow from them, when they're all black from the start? Other that: awesome work! Easy to follow, full of anticipation and action all the way.


VeanBin responds:

oh ... that's very helpful, I'll work more about those eye trails ... they do look abit lame :P And about my skill, they're not that impressive, but by far, this is the most helpful comment I've ever read in this post :D

Now this was a MASSIVE batch of Angry Birds Madness! :) The backgrounds are a bit simple sometimes, but it's with the characters the real action rests, and comedy, and the voices are just spot on and not just that but also surprisingly appropriate for what they're talking about. Wonder if the subs would've been easier to see sometimes if they were colored in bright red/yellow/blue, with black outlines, but guess the black bird wouldn't have worked with that...

Overall a really exciting tale so far, and I'm looking forward to the sequel whenever it may come! And prequels it seems I've missed... had a pretty heavy Angry Bird addiction too back when it was the most popular, though can't say I've ever been a huge fan of the franchise itself. Definitely a fan of this, though. :) Making it a story within their universe that stands on its own worked out well. Awesome work.


Short but incredibly detailed; well-done! Reminds a bit of the Brackenwood universe. The good old days of good Flash come again. :) Nice work.


Short but beautiful! XD Gotta prepare for a whole world of hurt this year huh... it's the year of the dog after all. Good stuff.


A pretty entertaining Game Grumps sketch!


questionablecontent responds:

Thanks! pretty alright response to my first semi-proper animation.

Well that was a happy ending... for a while. XD Impeccable twist! And totally harmless humor up until that point too. Enjoying pretty much all of these lately! Great work.


Bamboo Shoots!

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