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I shall thoroughly follow your advice on this one. XD Happy Father's Day though! What a story.


Appreciate the pun but honestly the plot device otherwise seems to overshadow it a bit, both the one getting thrown at the monster, and the other one first hurting it, and then the bird coming out of nowhere... you're left wondering what this was really all about after all. What happen.

Assuming people who know the game might not be distracted by those seemingly random occurrences as much though; they may not be all that random after all...


artistunknown responds:

It's definitely something made where the jokes make more sense if you've played Pikmin, which isn't necessarily the best thing to do always, but I try to make it funny in other ways too, like just wtih facial expressions, and sound effects, and wacky animation.

As for an explanation: in the game, Purple Pikmin are super heavy, and can one hit kill big enemies if hit right, so while the other Pikmin are cowering in fear, he decides to throw his body weight onto the bulborb (big frog thing), but instead of just landing on him and squishing him or whatever, I thought it would be funny for him to shatter his fucking knee.

And then white Pikmin are smaller and lighter than the other Pikmin, but they're also poisonous (this is the biggest detail that isn't immediately apparent I guess), so when the red Pikmin saw that the bulborb was still alive, he through the white Pikmin at him, hoping he would eat it and die of poison, not realizing he was in too much pain to even notice.

And finally, the random bird is a snagret, an enemy that will seemingly randomly pop out of the ground (it's not actually random, but if you don't know where they are in the game, it can seem like it) and of course, it ate the white pikmin, which is poisonous, so it died of poison. That bit probably was more random than anything, but it was also an idea I came up with on the spot, after storyboarding the rest of the cartoon, 'cause I wasn't satisfied with it ending with the white pikmin screaming "you frickin frick!!!!!". I used to hate random humor, but the ending is my favorite bit so I guess I like it now??? though it's mostly because the shot is framed nicely and it was fun to animate.

Really made the most of the jam man. :) Nice work.


jackbliss responds:

Thanks so much for the review as always my friend. This jam is really helping me update more often as the deadlines keep me in check :)

Raven nonchalant as ever. :) These are actually pretty entertaining to watch, simple but so expressive interactions... and it wasn't short either. Not bad.


Wouldn't mind at least one of this every Halloween. :) Or other random time of yearly festivity. ZONE-tan seems like the right kind of host for these special occasions....


As long as the Miss herself enjoyed this shizzle. :D Good fun.


Joe-Mega responds:

Much respect to moonified for being a good ass sport :)

lmao. XD Unexpected new sides to Chutney never seen before... good stuff, though somewhat disconcerting this actually scored higher than the grand Finale just a few days back...


Nekidcoboy responds:

Hey thanks! From my perspective, scores almost always low at the release and after some time grows up. Not as if I actually care about it though. Basically, it's just a traffic lights, showing if you piss a bunch of people off or not XD

Did get that requested Raven bit real quick too. :) Another solid episode.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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