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Common physics do not apply to those hands after all, huh. When in close vicinity to the body they seem to act just as regular hands, who would've known such an anomaly was possible!

Love how even now you keep re-inventing things like this. Even if the code bit for a moment made it feel almost like the realm wasn't real. But then again was it ever meant to... was it meant to emulate a game all along? An artificial world? And does this mean the madness game(s) in the works are really the real world? The very essence of the realm? Or that it's all becoming more and more like one? Maybe similar to our own world getting gamified in all potential ways, until we're but living in an artificial and augmented reality; so does this... our true future madness.

This simple experiment really topples foundations; turns some heads! Makes you think.

Also would've been so perfect for Halloween.


Doc's a pretty good shot! Unlike the rocketman. Interesting things picking up again...


Still awesome! And useful all together now.

Seems you can't escape the obligatory frontpaging even if you opt out of those awards though. ;)


Seems like there's just no limit to the amount of content you can put out in a single year! :D This was great, gets me wondering about potential backstories but I assume there is none... also can't remember the last time I saw Wade make a cameo! Props.

Also that GIF is oddly addicting to follow. Patting, attempting to grab, scratching or eh... pleasuring the book? This could mean such a variety of different things. And is the hand the book hand or a totally unrelated hand...


RealRedbookClock responds:

pet the redbook

Whole new alternative Madness universe now opening! :D So much potential in this... even if the combination anime/gray Madness world somehow seems a pretty odd combo. Like anime's inherently meant to be a blast of color as well, and there's not much of that here.

And yet that just makes it all the more awesome... contrasts.


Seems like a step in the right direction. :) So cool to see how this has both continued and evolved over the years, though seems the premiere had a time limit to it huh, right in the middle of vacation... cool initiative though. Hope to see it for real in the future instead.


Swedish Funko Pop Sgt Johnson?! XD Wonder what the history is behind that guy, but I love it. Stands apart from the rest too, one grand cameo finale before it's all wiped clean.

The head getting sucked into the floor was really smoothly done, though on some parts it feels like the camera could really use something to hold it a bit more steady between shots, and some of the still sequences feel a bit long, maybe you could work on ambience even when things are still? Just moving the characters ever so slightly to give the impression they're still alive even though they don't move. Could loop just a few almost identical shots to give the impression.

Overall it really had a pretty moody/artsy vibe to it, and the roles of human and animal reversed... I like it. Makes you think a bit. Thanks for throwing in a part for me in this too!


BlackAnimation responds:

I want to thank you for helping me make a film and believing and being respectful . i also do agree with your opinion. thank you for being cool :)

lmao. XD The military, man...

As always appreciate the great detail and consideration that goes into these. Hadn't heard the joke before either. Good chuckle.


I forget how the last installment of this saga went but it reels you in pretty fast either way. Out of context if you haven't seen the prequels, but not impossible to enjoy either way, and the texture style's pretty cool. Interesting to see where that direct ticket leads...

And if y'all ever do launch a cryptocurrency I'd definitely get some!


Marvelous. To get this epic collaboration in all its original, uncoveted, unconverted, uninverted, controversial, extroverted, unforgiving, directed as expected original with additions injected gargantuan gory glory! What a treat!

And a potential universal sequel hmm!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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