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Sometimes reaaally feels like the old ones had a more energetic; creative tone to 'em. All felt new. That hand lmao...


Does Foamy still get fan mail? Wouldn't mind some newer additions to this ol' series...


Remember these fondly. :) Tech support bits were some of the best ones back in the day... the simplest things. So true too.


lmao, well that was fun. :) Tesla driving by in the background too...

I guess the assets aren't all original but it does entertain. Nice one.


Invader-wed responds:

Thank you!

Finna see old Bugs Bunny cartoons in a new way after this...


Can't wait for 2026!

This was pretty much all I dreamed it'd be, wild and crazy, varied styles, a pace that neither feels too fast nor too slow, though even with solid runtime it all passed by faster than expected, and neither egg really ever cracked all the way - doesn't seem like those drugs have as lasting consequences as you'd expect, and how did they get that money - cash the check on the way?

Feels like the essentials are all there. It starts great, has the obligatory crazy trip mixed in, slice of life like eggery but... abrupt end. Missing plot twist. Or potential cliffhanger. Or something about that money?

Good fun though, and maybe the plot could be polished a bit overtime, though maybe that it ends how it ends is part of the idea. I could get used to more of these...

Oh, Subtle FlowDownStream nod too btw, nice. :) Plenty of detail in all background text and imagery too.


Kolumbo responds:

Man, I'm glad you like it. Thank you!
As far as the ending goes, it was planned to be a series so that is why it's abrupt and cliffhangery.

OatmealPecheneg responds:

Thanks for review, Bob!

Halloween's coming early this year!

This was really unexpectedly friendly and sensible all things considered, interesting mix of animation styles, good voicing and atmospheric background noise... not that long, but like a little greeting card from an unusual group of friends. Think @GoodL might enjoy this too. reminds me a little of the good ol' FlowDownStuff...

Nice work.


Foxcato responds:

Thank you! I had a lot of fun making this. I'm considering making a 2nd one some time.

What does this all meaaan! XD

Politics are gay? Debates are gay? One of the contenders is gay? The spokesperson is gay? All of the above? And wait are you implying there's anything negative about being gay? Or more so that it's awesome, just like the final explosion on which said (potential) slur is appended? Or an explosion of gay? Or explosions are gay...? O_o

This is some deep, controversial, unconventional, mind-blowing political satire right here, whatever it's all about... subtle ode to the earlier Free The Nipple campaign maybe...? Or maybe it's meant to mirror the nonsensicalness of the common political debate...?

I know I'm probably putting more meaning into this than there probably is, but that just makes it all the more awesome! Relevant debate-related awesomeness that pushes through both borders and expectations and entertains way more than the actual thing: Awesome.

If all politics were just a bit more like this...


ChutneyGlaze responds:

omg hahaha cybie!
bro how was your trip to your hometown you should tell me all about it!

Hope you get no trouble for actually including an almost official-looking Pixar logo there. :) Also seems like this one really had some twists the original didn't! Kinda wish those mutilated arms weren't a part of it, but the rest was all just the right flavor. True to the original but perfectly wonky in that casvdp way. So great animation quality too.

Also some of those transitional screams really remind me of Minions...


Lightning fast reactions as usual! Crazy bodycount (seem to remember something about there being a counter for that before hmm, was that just the one time though...) and music that seems almost a bit better than usual for this particular main series occasion. A bit more polished. A bit more fast-paced and varied. A bit more crazy, re-incarnate carnage of all sorts with this one!

Can't wait for part two!


Bamboo Shoots!

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