
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Definitely enjoyed this! The character proportions aren't all on point as they move, and morph, and swing about the city, but the coreography's great, as is the pace, and the city that pans away behind them as they swing through it... pretty solid fight work! And a new contender hmm... sequel potential?


lmao yeah, that is hot. XD I take it some people aren't a big fan of Will Smith, for some reason...


I don't really get it, but I love it! Something about... finding your way? Looks like each frame's actually hand-drawn too... must've been an immense amount of work here if it was.


That grind, day after day after day... even if you don't get the sense all that much time passes before he's caught in it. Maybe a bit longer a build?

When the darkness creeps up on the guy (the purple being - if that's his symbol or no) the animation felt a bit choppy, but when he wakes up in his... dreams (?) it's a whole other world! So smooth in comparison. The quality feels a bit inconsistent like that, but also like you get better as you go.

I can't say I really understand what happened though. I thought he was falling victim to something but... then he gets up and feels great? Who was that purple guy? Sickness? A dream eater...? And how does he overcome him?

I feel like it could be clearer, but otherwise it's not bad.


BrimBlam responds:

You basically hit/gave the perfect critique. I was really pressed for time and couldnt polish this like I wanted and ended up cutting a ton of scenes out. It still did better than expected though. I appreciate the words <3

Pretty short, but so good quality! Looks like it could've been taken straight out of anime. Just a little more length and plot and stuff...


Moral of the story: you need a wall to stretch your leg? :P

Fun little sketch 'ere! Really smoothly animated.


So far so good! Smooth animation, smooth audio, a pretty ambient setting... wonder what kind of plot the real thing might have in store here.


Aaand what happened after that? XD This deserves a sequel.

Very well-narrated stuff, and I'm enjoying the hybrid animational style too. Can't really put it all together. Seems like a mix of stopmotion and animated... would be cool with some behind the scenes on some of this too.


Helicopters and all. :) Taking some things to a whole new level here. Awesome work.


So unusual finding something with subs where I can actually (mostly) understand the language being spoken. :) Really cool. Subs don't always stand out that well on lighter backgrounds, though.

As for the story, voicing, animation, everything: I really like it. It's smooth, detailed, unsuspectingly expressive sometimes (like with the widening eyes), with solid voice work and effects... and when you add in the color... really is a religious moment. Making everything without color from the start it really strikes you when it appears. Do wish it would've ended in a more finite way somehow too but... it was a beautiful as it was.


PACvideos responds:

Thank you so much!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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