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LEGOmation on a whole other level here! Even if the final fight almost moves a bit too fast sometimes the choreography and coordination is just amazing, camera movement at the same time, music, comical moments in the midst of the action, even a witty finale! Can't imagine how long this must've taken to make. Would've been worth a top score even if it completely lacked a plot there. Solid. Looking forward to anything more like this.


Oh man this was just awesome. XD Entertainment in the simplest ideas... but the claymation's all top-notch too. Transformations. Shirt-folding frenzy (would've been cool to actually see some gigantic pile of folded clothes after that, though) and all. VA work too - spot on. Haven't laughed like this in a while.


Looks like good things on route! Smooth work.


Oh man, I don't know whether to laugh or... not laugh about this one. XD Nrnr really doesn't seem to be having the best possible day here...

The style of comedy's pretty dark, but entertaining in that strange, clueless; over-reacting way they all seem to be going about things in this here Nrnr world. If there's any type of humor I'd relate it most to it'd probably be SpongeBob. Just feels familiarly odd. And I like that style.

The clipping voices are entertaining with their tone too, but there's just so much clipping that you can't really turn the volume as loud as you want to. Too high a frequency range. And the animation: pretty basic. It feels like more expression is in the subtitles than the actual characters, and though the simple style is pretty unique it's also: pretty simple. It's easy to see the essentials so that's great, but there's really not that much to look at.

It's almost like you could listen to this just as well, and it'd be just as entertaining, so if there's anything work on maybe it's that. The visual experience. And if possible voices with the same tone but without that extreme amount of clipping.

Otherwise I did enjoy this. You've got something pretty original going on.


That rare occasion when the word EPIC is anything but an overstatement.

Love everything about this, the choreography, the fluidity, the expressions, the plot progression and everything. It's just perfect. Who you thought might've been the underdog turns out to be someone totally different too. Never know what's up next, and even if the ending was to be expected: it's just perfect. You done made a masterpiece here.


So awesome. Fast-paced fun and pretty ferocious lyricism too. Great work all, all the way, though that moment less than two thirds in when you realize the rest of it's all credits...


Goes to show there's a reasonable, natural explanation behind everything. :) Science.

Nice one.


You sure had a lot of nightmares when you were a kid! And a very good long-term memory...

Now with Detective Pikachu out this all seems somewhat highly relevant... so bizarre, simple, and somewhat disturbing... I wonder what it all means...


And they go their separate ways hmm... a bittersweet ending. Seemed almost like he was dragged away by force in the finish though, rather than by his own will. Nothing's as clear as it was in the beginning, but it's definitely yet another great saga. Reminds of first with their clash, conflict and resolution - and Wilhelm always seems to be the most responsible one of the two.

Would be cool to see the full series here at NG!


You certainly need more context to understand these episodes... the flashbacks work in time, and when it's all over you've grasped it, but it also feels so much more fragmented than 'the original'. Not as easy to understand. Not as obvious with the lack of words, either, whereas the first arc had that part down perfectly.

I do love the atmosphere though, the moments, the characters... intriguing to see where this leads, and I guess I'd best watch it from the first episode onward rather than jumping in mid-series...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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