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Feels like there might be certain Pokemon-specific references here I'm not really catching, something about that unexpected escape... but nice animation. It's not the smoothest, but I appreciate how much detail's gone into each frame. All that shading. The battle bit in particular was well done.


ElaborateBagel responds:

(Occasionally Pokemon can run from encounters whilst "frozen solid!", for some reason)

Foamy's the real critic isn't he. ;)

I agree though. And it's a shame, how the more content you partake in the less you appreciate it. The less it stands out. The more everything you see is just like everything else. So maybe the first time you see something you don't like: you'd better either start seeing different things or try to see things differently.

Life's too short to not appreciate.

Yet again, we appreciate these rants in particular because Foamy doesn't, so why would critics be any different? Why do we appreciate one rant and not another? In some sense of the being: this all starts falling apart. But good stuff.


Wonder what it would've been like if AI existed back in those times, who would've been to blame then... what a twist with the trains and this. As always you really capture that mood, that moody mood...


Pretty well-timed, well lip-synced too, just a liiittle short, a little much white space, a little simple, a little choppy when the text comes in... would work as an intro for sure but it could use a bit more color and smoothness I think! Keep it up.


The game of dreams. :) I love the ambiguity of how this starts and ends, how you could see her as journeying into the actual game, or simply having a great time with it, or drifting into the dream world and living the game there... the worlds mesh and come together, all in such a fluent yet minimlistic pixel trip with accompanying musical chiptune bit.

I feel like more layers to the music would've enhanced it even more, and the backgrounds weren't all the most detailed, but it was a fun ride. Honorable Pixel Day homage. Nice work.


gatekid3 responds:

yeah Im not the best musician, but like with the raddish i just made whatever felt... like something, idk. More time in the music might have been time well spent though.
and yeah, backgrounds are noooot my strongsuit. You can deffinately see that in my last pixel day entry as well....though i think the first raddish one was pretty decent somehow.

It ALMOST loops! Would've been just perfect if it did. Overall though it was a surprisingly relaxing and comfortable thing. The rainy day aspect of it all somehow comes across in the music too... so suitable.

I wonder how it would've been with a little background rain. A window. Or the sound of raindrops pelting on the roof along with it. But: not a bad jam man.


spicybagel responds:

Almost added rain sfx and now I wish I did haha

Nothing wrong with the modeling, or the voices, all very expressive and dynamic but... it doesn't really go further than that. When it's over I'm left missing either interaction and/or punchline. It's just a little snippet of dialog. It doesn't lead anywhere. It looks good but that's basically it...

Would love to see a little more context or action.


Whatever the joke is here it's working. You seem to understand the mind before than I understand mine.


Well that was kinda sad. XD How you like them apples...


Thank you for making :)

That really didn't end like the anime huh. Somewhat dark comical start had me expecting a darker ending... nice one.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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