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Now this is more like it. :O So post-apocalyptic and ferocious... the sound design's on another level too. Feels like the second bit maybe came across a bit subpar compared to start and finish just because it was cut out from the better parts, but then again I also feel there are some loose ends here, like what happened to the guys who saved her? Didn't they save her after all? Did they kill themselves, or more so attack her?

In the end it almost feels like this is still a trailer for something bigger. It plays that way. With glimpses more than a story. But I do love it all the same. Deja vu from looking forward to this finally coming out back in the day: now I hope some day maybe there'll be something even bigger...

Thanks for this though. What a blast.


RobsH66 responds:

Thanks for the comments! The story for this film definitely had some loose ends, and was building to something far bigger and more ambitious than what I was capable of producing back in 2008. But rest assured, there is definitely something much bigger on the way, that I've been working on for many years now. The process has been very slow but things are finally taking shape, and what you've seen here is just the beginning.

Surprising how easy you realize the old man has a pacemaker when he drops, wonder if that'll be as commonplace a reference in the future... another great segment, the explosion in particular was quite the moment, but otherwise no dialog at all, so far no definitive plot progression either, was expecting a little more... guess it'll all fall into place with the third one...


Damn, the way this one ends...

The soundtrack's so perfect. Foreboding in a Resident Evil (thinking of the first movie here) kind of way, and the very authentic looking depiction of the war starting and scaling up... strange how all these years we've just been waiting for something like this to happen, yet it seems these days it's a war on information instead. A war on business. A war on allegiance. Things done changed, but this still has an air of ominence like it could really happen. So far it's as great as I hoped it'd be...

Most hyped up NG series I remember that I for some reason wasn't around to actually catch the release of! Finally making up for that lost time now.


RobsH66 responds:

Thanks for the review!

That cutting edge technology lmao. XD

This was great. Animation so fluent compared to the newer stuff too - I guess you put more time into the details back in the day huh, like the less notable details, more frames/subtle movements than the eye can really catch maybe, but fun to see. Good joke, good delivery, time feels just right to me! Solid start to your animated ventures here...


Some revelations in regard to Sophia hmm... I like where this is going. Nice moment of calm before the coming storm too.

Do wonder what happened to the first episode though... was that the pilot? Feels like a chunk of the story's still missing here, but maybe it'll all be revealed in time...


Music really matched in this one. Short but awesome! Wish some of the animation had more frames, like the waves/big explosion, but can't complain, it still looks p epic.


Magical score and intense animation! :D Love everything about this, though don't really feel like the music matches the mood in the fight. So fierce, yet so light and explorative music.

Good to see this started something for real...


Ends a little suddenly but overall this was great. Love the sights, and my interesr's definitely piqued with the story - bout to watch the preceding episodes after this.

Feels like the voice acting recording quality maybe differs a bit much from character to character, they come across sounding like they're in different rooms or places sometimes, though great voicing otherwise.

Keep it up! Looking forward to the next one.


9Hammer responds:

Glad to hear it Cyberdevil. Thank you for the input as well!

Really oughta get back to this show. XD Tried marathoning my way up to the current episode but kinda ran out of steam somewhere around the sevenhundredth... amazing show though. Even after all these years they keep the quality.

Might be the first Detective Conan parody/tribute/thing I see but hopefully not the last! Nice one.


Rhavangogh responds:

Yes, Detective Conan is prob the most longest running show to this date. It take years to finish in one sitting haha!

Bamboo Shoots!

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