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What a waste of a perfectly good pencil... but that said: this was great. I'm amazed this somehow missed the awards though, such a great mashup of creativity. SO MUCH.


Finally stumbled upon this old gem. XD Trying to remember if my package arrived with an equal amount of awesomely tasty edible packing material hmm... this was great. Also nice hat.


Cute loop, just wish she'd actually pick up that thing and finish eating the thing already! XD It just doesn't have that satisfying crunchy finale... nice one though. Happy 2020 Diives.


People have always been fighting cops though haven't they, criminals y'know? :P Though it's almost like we're getting a new wave of the thirties all over again, governments cracking down on citizens to the point there's bound to be a wave of morally justifiable illegality...

Edward's working on that firewall thing. Good stuff y'all.


What a way to kickstart the New Year. :) With another war IRL but over here also: controversy!!! I felt like... there almost wasn't enough of that though. Remember one of the recent episodes and the delight of those jokes going way past where I expected they would. But anyway, good fun, and still strange with those babies...

Wonder if these podcasts might make their way to NG in audio form too? Not that they're so long you can't listen in online, but it'd be cool with the option to download and have 'em all on the go. Maybe that's something you're hoping to avoid though. Downloads.


Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

The podcast version is out now on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud... The podcast versions even have stuff we left out of the cartoons.

Well that was random. XD The animation's not all fluent all the way, but I love it. Music's similarly not masterful but: it fits. Good stuff.


First glimpses had me thinking of Avatar, but when the fighting starts, damn, it really transforms! :D I wish the animation clarity was a bit more sometimes, certain characters seem to be out of focus intentionally in the fights, but the detail level otherwise is impressive... and the backgrounds! Really thorough work with everything there.

I wouldn't mind seeing more of this... seems like a concept with a lot of promise! The character design's pretty unique too. Like traditional anime but... with a twist.


One of those animations that makes me feel like ballet might not be such an archaic art form after all, like the world is beautiful, to appreciate the element of water, to want to dance, to sadden at the non-constant nature of our world... and yet it's a beautiful journey. Not sure it symbolizes as much as it feels, and conveys that feeling from a new kind of perspective...

The music fits right in too. Nice work.


That shadow beast sure came outta nowhere! Started so light and positive, wasn't expecting anything but uplifting feels and... apparently that's what we get after all! Impressive how well you captured a sense of the unknown here. How off guard you can be when things don't follow that predetermined pattern, that mice are harmless; that monsters are not... goes to show to never judge a book by it's cover too.

I love the twist this took, and how well you built the atmosphere throughout. Amazing work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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