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An atmospheric reincarnation of this classic saga! The beautiful ghosts, the fire light, the beast... it was great all the way, though not remembering the full story seems to mean not fully understanding the quest and end, though... it seems like he made it?

And the Trip Adviser bit. XD Very nicely done!


ElysianAnimation responds:

We only managed to do he first part.
Part two exists only as a storyboard animatik

A Madness horror story hmm... this was new. :) The premise really reminds of Light's Out, but if this was based more on a memory from your childhood than that one movie I guess they borrowed a bit from you. You really built up the atmosphere too! And even though I was expecting that jump scare I wasn't expecting it when it really happened. Really nice work with the timing and build! Freaked out.


Can't stop wondering what I'd have done in the same situation now. XD Hope he didn't see that right...


The atmosphere here is definitely something else! It feels like an animation in style Of Myth, or similar. Very fantasy-themed and ambient - a tale of love and old times... not the type of content I'm accustomed to but I am looking forward to the next episode here! Really enjoying the flowing visuals, the smooth narrative and bright and airy world. Nice start.


ElysianAnimation responds:

Thank you :)

Just one hit and it would've been impossible for him to ketchup! But all's well that ends well, and the legend lives on!

Suitable music for such a venture, and the animation: supersmooth. Creative and violent in ways you never saw before. Good eye!


I do love cats, but even more so goldfish, but you gotta really love a good dog! XD All the twists this took! Nice one.


So epic! :D Few cartoons really deserve such a word, but this is undoubtedly one of them! The final splash image seemed to lose a bit of the menacing atmosphere of the scenes before it, but everything leading up to that bit was AWESOME. Animation and narration, it's all on a whole other level. Baby One Punch Man? Intergalactic Johnny? Don't know where the inspiration comes from but I love it! The script's cheesy but continuous and the suspense builds and shifts in great waves. What a great way to make animate greatness! Awesome work.


She's like the Sonic universe incarnation of Jessica Rabbit. :) Good-looking and fun little short! Works well even outside the collab. Props on very well-edited audio in particular. The animation's great too.


Apart from the somewhat unmatched lipsync this shows pretty good promise! Smooth graphics, solid voice acting and bits and pieces of a plot that, though it doesn't paint a perfect picture, gives enough to make you look forward to seeing the finished and full thing! Looks like an epic!


That car though! :D This could be the new age. NGE merch and Tesla combine? I see great things in the future. Smooth work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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