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The end but... is it really? This definitely deserves a sequel! After all my years here I'm amazed this is actually my first time hearing this. Classy, violent, creatively crazy, catchy and almost subconsciously scare... classic NG. There was a place and time for everything...


Still going with these huh! Congrats on the ten years, and hmm... I seem to remember he had a somewhat more humanoid form in earlier episodes! XD Interesting twist, and you could go pretty deep with the messages. Humans - they could use some more testing with those.


It's like DBZ and the Sonic universe combine. Fast-paced music and ferocious battle. Short, but not bad.


SolarFoxProductions responds:

Thanks again, Cyberdevil!

Krillin looking like he has some sort of ADHD at the edge there. XD Nice one.


Starts up good, looks dystopian, atmospheric... when the music kicks in that's when the insanity really starts though! Love the vibe. All the real video footage almost felt cheapening at first, less work on animation, less darkness, but at the same time plenty of education there - and then the animation really gets real! Goes all out. Goes all the way... till it's over.

Always appreciate music with a message, and it doesn't just follow the beat well but slows down and moves with it, too. With all the pro-drug music we need more like this! Real well put together.


MHR-cartoon responds:

Hey, thank you for your review!

Expressions but... dogs? The idea applied to one particular form sort of takes away the abstraction, but I do enjoy the style. From the intro I imagined it might be something like I, Robot but... this was totally unlike anything really. XD Entertaining work. Animation's good, voice acting's good, backgrounds are basic but good too, but of course: the expressions are the big thing here! Solid work on the variation, and plot: always entertaining.


I can see this kind of parody blowing up pretty big! If only it was a real thing! Love the narrational depth, and the glow, the atmosphere... and that contrast with Michael's voice! Nice one.


Hmm so... what kind of thirst are we speaking of here? Thirst for Bowsette? Thirst of the fans? I'm not the first to be confused apparently but I liked the style. Smooth work.


Heeey you're getting pretty good at this! Smooth graphics, gradients and all, subtle partially-spooky-sounding background music and solid voice acting work too! It all goes together nicely. Only one thing I see that could use improving really and that's: the lip sync. Of the girl in particular. It just doesn't match the phonetics.

Otherwise good stuff! Fun, easy to follow and with classy visuals to boot. The layers with the intro were particularly neat.


Always wanted someone to make stopmotion about pokemon battle too! :D And this was awesome. The claymation style, with the comical elements, with that classy Pokemon battle music (hope it's a cover) in the background... what a blast. Now if only this was a series featuring all possible Pokemon combinations out there doing similar battle! Great stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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