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That ragdoll-like effect. XD It's fun to watch though... the endless alarm... eventually it starts taking it's toll on you! You just want to smash it, and then... he actually does! I thought that'd be the thing, but it gets even more entertaining from thereon out, though if this really is his ritual everyday, man, it'll take the rest of the day to fix everything up and prepare for the next one... props on a fun idea and really original presentation of it! So crazy. I think this is that kind of style that works best the first time. All new.


sheenufilms responds:

Thank you so much! It was definitely an experimental thing for me lol. Glad you like it!

Feels like the sound effects are really evolving with these, getting not just louder and louder but more and more alive, and the universe as insane as ever. What can you do when solid stone blocks materialize out of nowhere! Another awesome short.


Actually watched this one before it hit the grounds. :) Just as great the second time though, with that traditional-looking yet modernly outlined art style, wide angles, details (laptop band-aids) and even unexpected levels of lewdness that cute bunny critter context considered. XD All leading to that forceful final finale! Masterful work yet again, with well-placed promo plugin at end. Wonder if that was there last time I watched hmm...


I'm watching, I'm watching! XD Wonder if this series is finna be all about baseball though...


A one-time trick huh. XD Dogs of the future, of the past... they were pretty interesting! The animation's a bit simple, but I do like the idea and execution of it all. Works well.


Impressive details on the panned-out sceneries, impressive twists with pretty much every scene, impressively violent violence on some parts, impressive pace and gender neutrality and everything! This was something else.


What a hybrid of genres! :D Solid animation, solid voice acting... and a very atmospheric build-up at the beginning! Pretty cool how it retains the style from the games too. Bright. Without outlines. References are probably mostly lost on me since I never went particularly deep into either of these franchises, but twas an entertaining watch. Nicely done.


M4LAnimations responds:

Thank you so much for watching and enjoying it so much. That really means a lot to me :)

A simple idea, but well done! The post-it note color switch just hit at the perfect place, and the animation's both smooth and dynamic with those fluttering edges. I'm curious about how you did this too. Photos of each note it seems, but not a pile, but each note placed in the same place for each picture? One after the other? Multiple photos for some of the shots that didn't move much? And how many post-it notes could this have been? Or... all digital animation on a fluttering post-it note? Would be interesting to get some behind the scenes on this. Props on a really original idea/execution here, and smooth work.


Enjoying these slice-of-like like cartoons on the most random locations; occasions. XD Solid detail with this one too, shading and all. And looks like a... happy ending? Well it could get worse...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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