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Haha, I guess this would've been an April joke if it was done the day prior? The plot is just genius, an endless loop in storyline even if the animation ends. Great 'pencilmation' and character voicing, it's just perfect. Keep it going!


That sprite adaption of Zone-tan is just perfect, you even managed to capture those glistening eyes. As with the regular Zone News episodes there's plenty of comedy in this, with the retro style of dialog (no voice) it's just... funnier than the original? Nah, I'm probably just getting some kind of nostalgicly innovative vibes from this. Great work though, something this elaborate for April seems like a treat. Looking forward to next year!


Pienkaito responds:

My, thank you.
I don't know what I should do next year, but I have time.

Thanks for the review.

Hah, so random, and the goat was fun. :D Best part of this is probably the close-up of the hair and the wild fight that ensues. Great expressions, fluid animation and plenty of randomness. Nice work!


YULFO83 responds:

Thanks so much dude! Really means a lot to me.

Another great episode. Simple animation, but with such great voice acting and script it can't go wrong. The battle was intense, and the emotions boiling just as much. I'll be looking forward to the next one!


Haha, that's some deep sheep shit! Such bizarre and fluid animation, combined with emotional voice acting and an atmosphere that reeks of disgust and paranoia. Nice work!


This was an interesting animation, especially in style. Plenty of the elements were surprisingly realistic in contrast to the simple sketchy line-based style of the overall drawing, like washing the razor, the lasers cutting through metal, etc. The movements all look natural, the sceneries are dimensional and occasionally more complex than it would need to be. At first it reminded a bit of Figmentos, just an everyday moment, but after that it reaches unprecedented heights!

If this had been in color I'm sure it would have received the daily award. I don't mind the colornessless myself but still can't help imagining how it would look if it was all colored in, complete with shadows and lighting on all scenes. In a way though the linear drawing style adds to the clarity of the animation. There's no unnecessary clutter. It's all a stylish mix of different effects and surprisingly fluent animation, and it's no short either! Seems to be at least 5 minutes long (?). There's plenty of action, intensity, great music to go with it, and a good ending too. I was also expecting a Pokemon though, if a Pikachu had popped out of that box I wouldn't have been surprised. :D Nice work!


What a cute world, all the characters so kind and cheerful. The kid with a break-mouth, the mom with pikachu dots, the bright and sunny neighborhood. There's no speaking, nor plot, but there doesn't need to be. It makes me happy any way. Great work!


Liu King? I'm wondering if that's a real character or a name parody on the Lion, but either way, this was a fun watch. Plenty of creative fighting without the fight actually becoming brutal. The animatuion is smooth and the vocal soundwork is awesome. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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