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This was grander than I expected it to be. There's drama, there's comedy, and there's a desperate quest to return. The animation sometimes seems a bit idle compared to the music, but there's definately plenty of emotion in both of them.Some parts fit better than ohers, like the sun rising, the flashbacks when the chorus kicks in... other parts don't have any link to the music, but the music really builds up the atmosphere in this. Good choice of song too, it sounds like Ozzy (?) though I haven't heard the track before. Keep it going!


Woo, the grand showdown is closing in fast! Feels like this episode is pretty much a bridge between two more decisive episode,s but there's definately progress. Marriage, trust, and soon betrayal! Turning into a real soap opera. :D Keep it going!


I got it! I got the moral of the story! You've got to feed the females! In all seriousness though, there really is a message in this animation. In a perfect look of creation, destruction, progress and then back again it would've have been so effectual in message, but even though there's a message to deliver there's plenty of comedy, or randomness, or whatever you wish to call it. It's a bizarre fondue of creativity and creation. The music is the perfect fit, too. Keep up the good work!


Haha, it would've been funny with just the introductory skit, but there's more to it than that! Guess I shouldn't spoil the guest appearance at the end, but it was definitely a tricky animation. Keep it going!


Haha, so many cock jokes in this, and a tank race? One of the best Tankmen parodies so far, by one of the best parody authors. The ending's pretty neat too, skipping out of the parody, and then out of the animation completely in two smooth transitions. Nice work!


Haha, so that's all that happens? strange how a single impression like this can be so comical. Smooth animation, great voicing and the plot err... pun (?) was just genius. Keep it going!


The idea is just genius, but it feels like there's more potential for this. It ends at the right place, but it's gotta be missing something when I don't really get to laughing, sound effects maybe? Everybody looking at the guy who phrased the final words? I don't know, but it feels like the joke's wasted when nobody within the animation understands it. keep working on it!


dogsinthecathouse responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I don't know, I kind of have a possible idea for it where I have some other scenes following this scene, so maybe it will work better like that. But maybe some of your ideas would be fun to experiment with too. I'll have to try a couple different things out and see what works. Glad you liked it though! :)

lol at that dickship. This was a nice idea for a collab, and plenty of entertaining submissions in it. I suppose the co-authors list still needs some revising, but apart from that this was great. Nice work!


Is it just my imagination, or has the style of animation greatly improved over the years. Hmm. Though the voice acting is just as distanced from the action as always (well, at least in the beginning, it seems to grow on me after a while), the animation itself is just perfect. Great shapes, great coloring, and the plot is eh well... completely random, bizarre and oh so entertaining! I thought the episode was over when the 'intro' started but this really is a full episode, nice. There's even some real action at the end, though it might be just a flesh wound. :) If not, where would the continuity be. Looking forward to the sequel!


Businessman Death? That's an interesting concept, hah, I missed the coffe > poison transition the first time around, just so much being said at the same time, but another watch later it all makes sense. Simple animation, good voicing, great jokes. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

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