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So glad people still remember this guy. :) You've got the style, and the music, and the mood too boot! An uplifting little Eddsworld trip and tribute along a varied array of backgrounds... all the way to the further reaches of our world! Fantastic fun.


You can never see certain things too much though! Like Foamy. Always good stuff, and these monologue ones take up surprisingly relevant issues lately too. For a while Epic seemed like the most overused word out there, but times are changing. Words cycle through levels of overexposure and become normal once again... the order is restored.


For a first animation this wasn't bead, though just the one punch... it could use a little more length! And a better outro.


giga6152 responds:

Thank you for the feedback! I do plan on making more movies like these in much greater detail and a lot more action in them.

From the moment TOMMY WISEAU stands on his plant you know this is going to be something else. XD Without a certain knowledge of The Room you probably won't catch all the references, but if you do this is great, lots of fun details in the samples and walls and most of all: the plot progression itself. The animation keeps the red trail going regardless though, refreshingly random but still all connected. Seems like even storyboard form works well, and the black and white's a nice touch for Halloween in particular. And hey that banana. XD Nice work both of you!


TheReviewTrickster responds:

The banana and Halloween Patreon stuff was all Chutney, I didn't even know it was gonna be a thing. I agree though, it looks fabulous.

A bit short but... well done. What a difference from the original version too, not just with the music and lack of color but the entire style overall. Interesting alternative version.


Well that was fun. :D Solid work with everything here, the music, the song, the voicing, little bits of painting and everything interweaved with the animation. That real life footage was a creative bit too! And the script. All so polished. Thoroughly entertaining all the way!


Poetic. :) Don't recognize the main character there (looks a bit like the Joker?), but I do recognize the name, and as such it had me confused a bit... is this based on something official? Anyway it's all stylishly done, though narration quality's a bit gritty. Nice work.


Cthulhuzann responds:

The character is The Crow from a graphic novel written in the late 80's. It was adapted into a movie in the early 90's starring Brandon Lee who unfortunately died just before the film was finished. Thanks for watching and voting. I appreciate it!

What an ending! Was not expecting that twist there. Catchy music, fierce pace and one macabre twist for the finale! Nicely done. The car seems to stay in tune with the music all the way too. Good pace.


That ragdoll-like effect. XD It's fun to watch though... the endless alarm... eventually it starts taking it's toll on you! You just want to smash it, and then... he actually does! I thought that'd be the thing, but it gets even more entertaining from thereon out, though if this really is his ritual everyday, man, it'll take the rest of the day to fix everything up and prepare for the next one... props on a fun idea and really original presentation of it! So crazy. I think this is that kind of style that works best the first time. All new.


sheenufilms responds:

Thank you so much! It was definitely an experimental thing for me lol. Glad you like it!

Feels like the sound effects are really evolving with these, getting not just louder and louder but more and more alive, and the universe as insane as ever. What can you do when solid stone blocks materialize out of nowhere! Another awesome short.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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