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Not the winner you'd expect. :) As always though, plenty of creativity in the fight. Even though there's no voicing it's easy to understand, and that blowing up finale was a bit more bizarre than expected. Keep it going!


Ah well, it's just a game so Luigi will obviously revive again, right?? O_o The part where mario is building the ice ramp, and there's no sound, feels a bit odd, as does the part with the boat when only the front part rises whn Luigi gets it going, but apart from that it's all great. Good animation, good pun. Keep it going!


DeuxLab responds:

The whole audio was not supposed to be cut off or even parts of it. We're trying to fix this :( . But Thanks for your comment, glad you liked it!! :)

Hahaaa, I definately wasn't expecting that! :D I was thinking it looked a bit like... what it really was, but doesn't birdshit always? :P Great animation, great idea. Keep it going!


Daily feature, and I didn't get it at all. :/ That's what I get for not playing Bioshock I guess. Even if the plot was completely un-understandable without prior gameplay experience, the animation was great. Scream a bit screamy, but overall nice work!


Seems like the Qumi-Qumi crew keep sailing around in the clouds. Moral of the story, if the world turns to trash, sail away. :P As always great animation, smooth and effectual, and randomly creative. The ship turning into a fish was an interesting factor of change in this one. Looking forward to the next one!


The 'Play' button never popped up for me the first time, it just kept loading eternally. Right clicking to play only produced a black screen, but reloading it again it suddenly worked fine. Some bug with the ads (that showed up the first time)/API maybe? As for the animation though, it's great. What a strange character combo for a birthday party. Short, but sweet. Nice work!


Looks like this is all custom-sprite work? If so, that's pretty amazing. Great graphics, great animation, and plenty of love and storyline interweaved with the action. I like the fast pace the animation keeps too, it never slows down too much, not even the part of hearts. It's a creative and crazy adventure. Now imagine this as a real game, that would be amazing. keep it going!


StudioJOHO responds:

Yeah all custom sprites. The boss character is more cutout approach with layers etc but yeah, was a shitload of work gone into it for sure . Thanks for your comment

Oh man, the big showdown is nearing now! Great animation, great voice acting a plot loaded with both comedy and drama, hate and romance, everything at the same time. I wouldn't mind some more detail in the hot scenes, and an M or A rating, but overall it's good. Looking forward to the next ep!


Nobody can defeat dem zombies, hah. The part where he eats one and it just goes right through is just genious. As always great voicing to go with the effects, and fluid animation. Keep it going1


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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