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Wonder how many parts this might be hmm... trippy stuff. Entertaining, too. Is there anything the great Dane can't do.

Just gotta match that random with the review a bit a bit. Good stuff.


Was expecting it all to end when he was about to just drive her down and realized he had to get that car outta the driveway first... them plot twists! Not bad yo.


Flawless stuff apart from that edning typo mah dude! And it's the tenth anniversary too. Didn't realize. Seems like this year might be massive...


Works well in excerpt form too. :) Excellent work with this.

That heavy metal outro after this calm and collected space venture though... really comes outta nowhere.


Definitely appreciate those new visuals! The adult type of overlay... feels like this works way better than just the babies.Sketch overall seems to be of the usual, always formidably entertaining caliber. Good talk again.


As always the mainstream media news panic in regard to the virus is spreading far faster than the virus itself, just like a virus. :) Hope it is all as overhyped as it seems it might be though, like earlier bouts of ebola and similar...

Good talk y'all. Surprisingly not all that controversial this time either. :P Good fun.


You make better stuff in .45 than I'd make in a day though! Looking forward to the sequel...


If I ever expected you to make content, then serious content might've been the type I'd expected the least... it's a message worth spreading though. Hope people chip in.

Video's simple but effectual. No filler. Straight to the point, with a little appreciative background ambience and narration to maybe save a nation. I do like nature...


RAMUSH responds:

And nature likes you back. Thanks for feedback! Happy you liked and more content coming soon! Stay great!


Depression likes Red Bull? :P What a way to celebrate twenty... but it's cool you're learning to handle it, and managing to present the darkness in a brighter light too. Great shifts, great interactions, not the most advanced imagery but effectual such, and the song: it's catchy! :D I could keep this on loop a while.

Feels like it's a theme pretty much everyone can relate to too. Good to see you're still making these, and getting better and better, AND hitting 20 in 2020! :D Being born right on the first year of the millennium's pretty cool hmm. Happy Birthday, a bit belated! Hope things keep looking brighter and brighter moving on! Life's just full of ups and downs, but how you handle them shows what kind of person you really are; how far you can really get. Good handle.


DIWAKAR responds:

Haha, Yes it does. And thanks man. XD

The way the teacher says 'okay' at the end of each sentence really reminds of that one in South Park hmm, though his South Park equivalent isn't usually that angry...

Following the life of Nrnr is both bizarre... and somewhat depressing! Nothing really works out for him. Until the end. It's a bit strange watching through this, as there aren't any real punchlines or jokes to ever lighten up the mood or make you laugh, and yet the absurdity of his struggle still comes across entertaining somehow, and when it's all over it feels like it was worth the turmoil. I just wonder how a different kind of script would change things, one where everyone's not constantly cracking down on the protagonist.

The animation style, voicing (the exaggeration there does lighten things up a little), and bits of special effects work well though, and the credits! The way everything flows together there was pretty cool. Uplifting little bit after all that carnage. Not bad but... strangely strict and serious for this kind of comedy overall. But guess that's your style too. :)


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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