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Each time they said Spooky Month I thought they were saying Pokemon. XD Pokemon Go parody, everyone chasing those beasts, you know...? Anyway this was some pretty fast-paced; ferocious fun. Suitable music too.


Root & Digby definitely make the best cat couple. XD Rooting for those two... in whatever happens after this Happy Halloween turned into that bad hair day... good fun.


Folklore of... Blood-Carriage?! XD Seems you have some pretty disturbing folk lore over there... but it makes well for an animation. Solid work on voice acting and sound too. Movie quality there, especially when it started out...

Both those effects and outline-less anime tries worked really well too. It breaks the darkness in a pretty cool way, even if the frame transitions seem a bit long on some scenes, and the details simple. You built up a pretty creepy atmosphere here! And it ends... just as creepily. Gotta read up on some of this stuff... The Bullebak sounds interesting...


Character design has me thinking of Lara Croft, and the intro had me thinking of GTA 3 for a moment, the premise like Alias before it all gets started... the moves were like a fighting game too. :) So many relatabilities. Some of the actions are a bit too fast, like the running away, and the third guy just appears out of nowhere, when they're walking they almost seem to be floating along the ground too, and the lip sync doesn't always match but... small details.

Overall this was great. I like how it plays out pretty much just like a regular series, and towards the end the intrigue's really adding up. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out in the next ep!


timeisbutawindow responds:

Thank you for the feedback! I'll work on the above mentioned in the next one.

So dark! Won't be a Happy Halloween with too much like this, but I love it. The ambiguity. The rage. The cycle. It's like Alien and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide and a bunch of others all in one, a masterful; macabre mess, and even if you don't really follow along you definitely feel it. Smooth motions and great work with the sound too! Happy Hallows!


AntonM responds:

cheers cd, always cool to read your reviews dude :))

If only a little radioactive salt could make you that radical! :D Love that old style, narration and all, and the salt puns. Can't get enough of those. Would love to see more like this but either way I won't be salty.


Halloween's just the perfect time for these characters. :) I think I'm... gonna go eat something now...


A pretty entertaining spin-off style to the Eddsworld world! :D Short but... not bad. Nice Birthday homage.


Sure took a turn from the comedy after that initial trick or treat bit... but you capture both moods pretty well, both before and after the switch. Nice work with the audio especially. Really building up a brooding atmosphere. And with characters like that you'd think they had a bit more fighting spirit! Not bad though. I like that you take your time with the scenes, not rushing the surprises, just a long, slow build-up... like those good old days of scary movies once again. :) Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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