Unrolling the map... was that meant to sound like reloading a weapon? XD Odd but very satisfying choice of sound effect on that one part... overall the use of sound effects seems to have increased with this one, it definitely adds to the atmosphere, interesting effect to have them even during the planning stage when they're looking at the map.
And the music! It really adds so much to this. Keeps the atmosphere high throughout. Ominous, or chaotic, or just suitably ambient when need be... props @ChordC!
I liked the cloud effect when the camera zooms over to Hopkin's location too, how their more so lines during that transition, to reflect the speed, nice effect.
One effect that maybe didn't look as awesome though: the fire on the hood of the truck... maybe a little too dense? Or single color? Looked a little odd IMO, though at least you could see it was fire.
The overall action and story's great, Matt really shines in this one - towards the end at least, and Python's one bad-ass character! Entertaining dialog, good progression, it keeps you on your seat all the way through.
Awesome work. Can't wait for the next part now. :)