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Wonder if those nineties shows in the US were inspired by Japanese game shows from the same time, I only remember those being the crazy ones. :) Though we did have some great sci-fi series too in that era, and ones like Sledgehammer, iconic stuff...

Everything was better back in the old days huh?


Talk about an unhealthy workplace. XD

Hope workman found something better than this... genius button idea though.


Well that was unexpected. XD

Ada sure was looking good, animation's a bit short; overly looped for the most part but... visually appealing yes. Not bad.


Literally. XD

I hope that was a zombie hmm, and this is a postapocalyptic party trick of sorts, with the greenish hue it kinda looked like one...


Soo I suppose the joke is the bread burns all too easily despite multiple attempts to get it better? XD

Fun short, though a couple points make it a bit hard to follow I think:

1. Since it's in black and white, it's not obvious the bread's actually burnt more than it's supposed to. Maybe if it was entirely black/maybe also smoking it'd give a more burnt impression.

2. Since you don't see the burnt bread getting thrown away with each new piece (or any other sign of frustration with the character) you wonder the first couple times if maybe it's just an endless loop of a toaster; no pun.

Nicely animated otherwise! Keep it up.


That ending. XD

Definitely relatable, though imagine if you could actually have conversations like this within the game outside cutscenes, would've added a lot of personality, maybe with AI that'd actually be a possibility soon...

Fun stuff, nicely animated, great voicing, unexpected; entertaining actual ragdoll slap too.


Well this was fun! :D Definitely seems more like a storyboard animation than a full-fledged one, more still images than animation, but it's easy to follow, and the style's expressive. Voice acting is a little... oh wait upper respiratory infection!!! With such predicaments at the time of recording it's actually surprisingly clear and comprehensible... though better recording equipment would probably make a big difference too. The frequency range seems a little limited here.

Soundtrack and sound effects are on point, and not just that chase music. :P Cool of you to use one of my tracks on this!

Nice work; looking forward to seeing what more you'll make! Would be intriguing to see this one animated in full too, if you'd ever try such things.

Keep it up!


Happy Birthday to you! :) Hopefully plenty more people at that party IRL!


TeddAnimates responds:

Tysm :)

Ah that Ara Ara. :D I recognize it from all too many... anime scenes.

Nice little greeting. Good voice acting.


Icy? Not Misty? Did the name change somewhat recently? Cool to see you making stuff like this again/still, and fo shizzle Happy Birthday @artistunknown!

Here's to a dope dude who copes and keeps some good jokes too!

Feelgood; fun little greeting. Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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