Puffernickle huh, had to look that one up!
However the end it sounds like an adventure! Would be cool to try something like this some time...
Puffernickle huh, had to look that one up!
However the end it sounds like an adventure! Would be cool to try something like this some time...
Did not go the way I expected this to go, in the best possible way! XD A factory worker calling for help was a killer twist in itself, but the little girl, like straight out of a horror movie, actually trying to escape, how does that tie together hmm.... in the end none of this matters after all huh!
Creative satirical genius, kinda... both relatable and recognizable and full of surprises.
And to actually make an animation of an unpacking video; take it out of the box like this.
Good stuff.
The sudoku bit caught me off guard. XD
Did not expect you to go through the whole series with these either! Awesome homage. Fun recap. I wonder what kind of story they had back in the predecessor though, GameBoy Wars, if they had one at all, they're pretty rare I hear...
Love these games. This was fun to see.
You make it look so simple. :P
The memories this invokes tho... good stuff. The music's on point, the sound effects too, the graphics maybe not the most complex but you do capture the atmosphere...
Nice one.
Thanks! Really appreciate it.
At least he died happy. :P
Feels like the good ol' days of NG are coming back, not-so-controversial this one maybe but a violently political skit and all... nicely done.
Happy Valentines Day Little-Rena/DVa!
Love this. :) Dope footage, and it's almost like a music video the way it's made, the visuals match the music well, the transitions too... appreciate the prominent audio inclusion! Hope the game sells like hell - after this if it hasn't already!
Hey! I saw an interview where the game developer made a good point, saying that most video game trailers, the users search more for the gameplay part, rather than the plot itself. In summary, players tend to care more about mechanics than story.
With that in mind, the idea of having a trailer entirely focused on gameplay started flourishing, so all gameplay sessions were recorded from that day on, with the objective of capturing dope action passages, explosions, etc.
I tried to visualize what would be the perfect fit of a scene with our "Monsters" score, and only could reach for something in slowmotion, like a fire fight in slow-mo, matrix lobby hall scene and all.
A scene was crafted only for the sake of filling the scene between the gameplay, the one where Woodworth is running through the flames. That scene was specially created to sync with the song.
Some trivia, after the first scratches of the trailer, I thought that I couldn't fit the rap song with the action gameplay, that the trailer needed something kinda Slayer with machine guns. It was by a chance that somehow some scene synched really well with the first sequence, and after somedays listening and watching, more good ideas came up.
Right now I'm really proud of what we did bro, and tbh a new directors cut version of this trailer will come cuz watching it a thousand times gave some more ideas.
You're too kind, and one of the best musicians! The beat and master of this song made by Baryiscool kept an incredible atmosphere, mixing ur soul and flow to the best version possible. I'll be old one day listening to this epic soundtrack!
Silly but so happy and joyous. :)
Nicely drawn.
Oh wow thank you :) Im new to animation
also kinda bad at art but practice makes perfect, I also kinda rushed that one
Imagine this as an actual interactive gadget - feels like the perfect thing for something like the Flash Forward Jam that's going on right now. ;) Could actually link people somewhere when they click, or add in some suitable sound effects on each interaction, like a slots machine...
Innovative to have a 'game' as a movie though! Fun idea.
And so many fortunes!
Solid work! The action's fluent, the gore plentiful, sound effects on point... would be cool with something a little longer; with at least a little story too. Keep it up!
Thanks, Im thinking on making that breakdancer have a whole series.
These some Wick-ed editing skills. :D Perfection!
Seriously though simple things are surprisingly fun sometimes, and with both audial narration and visual/written dialog there's a surprising level of detail to as quick a thing as this, good stuff.
Thanks for liking it!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04