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So awesome. :) Only thing that leaves me hanging a little is that it doesn't seem he got that cart back after all, just one gigantic ice cream... I guess the way he picks up the scoop tool, whatever those are called, means he's been encouraged to keep going anyway though, and all is good, but it just felt like that'd be a bit more conclusive. Thinking of things from the more long-term perspective and all, a conclusively positive financial finish...

Otherwise this was amazing. Love the style. The character resemblances are fun. The expressions make you happy. Pleasure to watch all the way through, and when things (literally) go downhill you feel for him too...

Guess there might be a moral in there somewhere as well. Or many. Just stay strong. Keep going. Help people and they'll help you back! Greatness in so many ways.


Well that was feelgood after all. :) Simple, but so expressive, so easy to feel that hopelessness when it all starts... and to really smile at the end when he triumphs. Delivery's just perfect. That it doesn't go exactly the way you expect it to either, even though the expression prepares you for something.

Great stuff.


Just perfect. :) The build, the twists, the charm, it just has the perfect mix and pacing, plus an intro that hooks you right away. What an awesome and odd relationship too... definitely need to delve into the backstory of how how this all started. Can't wait to see more.


Seems like some research's required to really understand this one... animated well though. The game-style controls within the animation seem to add to the comedy too somehow. Not bad.


Shoulda known that's what this one would be about. :) Good stuff good stuff...

Been hearing a lot about Mike Tyson's weed farm lately too, plus that new CBD drink he's launching: Dwink. The Hotboxin' podcast's really pretty entertaining.


threebrain responds:

Oh snap he's got a "Hotboxin'" podcast? imma listen to that tonight woop woop!

Damn man that initial cough had me thinking Corona right away. XD How the times have changed our impressions of even the most fundamental expressions...

I enjoyed the animation, but just not catching the message. The punchline. The red thread. In the end... what was this all really about?! Has some fun moments, but mostly two random characters moving between games and poking fun at the people there, in ways where mostly the other characters aren't able to respond or fight back (Samus the one exception), hmm... feels like the scripting is the bit that could use most work here. Otherwise ain't bad.


An alternative world where TicTok videos are the epitome of good parenting...there's some scary places out there. O_o

I really thought the main character was a slice of bread too though.Hmm. Wonder what he might be meant to resemble...


Unconventional music for unconventional scenes, or is it the other way around... it all flows together so finely though. Robots and humans immersed, is this the future... it seems both dystopian and hopeful, both disturbing and comical, strange mix both of forms and emotions.

The one creature really reminds me of Parasyte too btw. Curious if there's some inspirations there.


Is it just my imagination or are the background audience responses getting all the more enthusiastic lately. :) Entertaining segment today, gay animal cameos and all, weather duck's still a real highlight too.


Hey, those old streets of GTA SA! :D I wonder how the two games merged here, if it was some custom modding or more so layering... fun to see, anyhow. Not bad.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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