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Finally gets what he deserves, lmao! This puts the traditional platformer/dungenon/whatever quest in an entirely new perspective. Great voice acting, great animation, great work!


Haha, now that's what a Pokemon battle should look like! :D Awesome work on the facial expressions. Keep it going!


So eh... not that I have any idea what's going on, but maybe that's the point, fast-forwarding through a series of already explored events that might've made more sense to a viewer if they'd actually seen them prior to watching it. Either way the pixel work/voice acting is great, just feels a bit plotless to an outside. Keep it going!


Yoshi-1up responds:

It's EarthBound. A toon EarthBound Fans. That's all you need to know!

Another awesome series I need to follow! Thats a vast cast, some of the voice acts feel a bit imbalanced, but as far as the story goes, it's interesting. I first I thought the battles were real, but then I guess they're just simulations. So, is it a slice of life series with training the main part, or are things soon about to spiral out of control? Looking forward to the continuation!


AdamTilford responds:

Glad you enjoyed it. It's only "slice of life" early on. Pretty much only the first 2 episodes then it shifts focus elsewhere. This year, with the scheduled episodes to be produced, it's going to be a dramatic one.

Well at least the poster had an inspiring message! XD Backstory was whack, and then... a show title? Heh, great way to end it. Looking forward to all the great episodes coming this new year!


Genius as always! :D Getting a paranoid about the possibility of catching the flu all of a sudden, but wth, it's not the end of the world. Drawings, voicing... all perfect. Keep it going!


Haha, a real adventure in garden! I love the soundtrack that goes with the animation, wonder if it's from the actual series? Something custom? Just some random piece of orchestral grandeur that seemed fitting? Either way it it turned out great, nice work!


What a macabrly normal series of events. I'm surprised I watched it for so long, thinking it'd all end in just another flashed by scene or two... right after he meets the girl, or afte after he meets her agin, or after he meets the other one, or after the baby (lmao that expression), or when he's staring at the moon... I definitely wasn't expecting it to end when it did, or in the way it did, and just as I was thinking that it was disappointing how things didn't go I hoped they would... it goes to hell, lmao. Props for keeping me entertained so long, in the fate of a medicre individual I do not know, that could be any of us, that's either comical or depressing depending on current state of mind. Masterfully animated!


Pretty good song! And pretty good animation to go with it. The longer it goes the more you get caught into it. Nothing I can relate to personally but it was a fun watch; inspiring somehow. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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